
WebProsperity Breaks 7,500 Signups in 1 Day and Growing Fast...Hurry!
1/3/2009 1:02:45 AM

2009 has officially arrived. :-)

Are you ready to make this your best year ever?

The numbers themselves tell a revealing story...

When you add the numbers of 2009 together, you get 11: 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11

11 looks like a doorway, doesn't it?

Symbolically this is a year that you can walk through a "door of transformation" toward a better life.

In fact, change will be easier this year. Much easier.

I predict that change will indeed be the theme of the year for people around the world. Rapid change.

I am personally determined to make 2009 a year of Good News. I hope you will do the same.

I'd like to start off by reporting the good news of the Web Prosperity launch that's coming up in a few days.

Already, almost 30,000 new pre-launch members have signed up and we are anticipating a HUGE launch on January 6th.

Get details at:

Anyone who can get a position in Web Prosperity before January 6th and secure their downline by upgrading on launch
day is going to be positioned perfectly to start pulling in an easy additional income stream in 2009.

So if you're in Web Prosperity already, Thanks to your quick response, you are now in a unique and powerful position to profit. Congratulations!!!
I encourage you to inform those in your network about it quickly so they will be able to benefit from this very exciting launch too. :-)
Now is the time to be on alert.

The Universe is inviting you to be, do and have more thanever before. It is encouraging your growth.

Open yourself to the life-changing potential within and around you and get ready to make this your best year ever.

Your partner in success,

Alex, The Home Biz Guy


1. Go to to discover why WebProsperity will be the hottest Internet Marketing trend of 2009.

2. Listen to David D'arcangelo's (Co-Founder of WebProsperity) videos and historic first call with the thousands of Member Entrepreneurs who rushed to secure their cash positions in WebProsperity!

As you can see by the sign-up clock, thousands of the most talented people in the world have already staked out positions in the Matrix, making this WebProsperity Launch the most spectacular Internet Business Opportunity the industry has ever seen! But remember:
The strength of the Team depends on the actions of each and every one of us!

We need your MAXIMUM EFFORT to get as many people in place before NOON Tuesday!
Here's to a great New Year! Let's go to work!

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Nick Sym

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Re: WebProsperity Breaks 7,500 Signups in 1 Day and Growing Fast...Hurry!
1/6/2009 3:25:59 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
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WebProsperity Founders’ Launch Is Less Than 7 Hours Away! 56,000 Sign Ups & Counting...
1/6/2009 3:39:51 AM
There’s never been a bigger launch in the history of Internet Marketing!

With over 56,000 sign-ups and an industry-record payout of up to 67%, you will earn as if you owned this program! Act now to cash in!


    * NO product to ship, NO postage, NO tax.
    * NO cost for the WebProsperity Business and Internet store.
    * Only two price points $29.95 or $59.95 per month.
    * Unlimited International demand!

Here’s what you need to do to prepare for launch now:

1. Make sure you’re READY, focused and at your computer: [B]Tuesday, January 6th at 12 Noon EST (9 AM Pacific, 5 PM UK, 6 PM Europe)[/B]. Get two alarm clocks if necessary, but every minute your mind is off WebProsperity, you lose money!!

2. Watch for the email message announcing the commencement of the WebProsperity Founders’ Launch. IMPORTANT! The email will contain a link that you should follow in order to secure your position and lock-in your Membership.

3. Enter your username and choose your Builder Package:

The Elite Builder at $59.95/mo offers unlimited earnings potential and all 6 high-powered tools.

The Premium Builder at $29.95/mo locks your earnings in at a $10,000 per month maximum and offers the basic tools.

IMPORTANT! Have your credit card handy to proceed with your secure order form purchase.

4. When you have completed your Membership purchase, repeat this process to lock-in your other positions (if you have more than one)!

This is a truly International (no borders) opportunity that WILL change many lives for the better around the world.

You can secure your Founder's position in Web Prosperity

Let's make history tomorrow!



P.S. Once you've joined, stay tuned to the Web Prosperity
blog to get the latest news, updates and training here:
web prosperity blog
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WebProsperity Free Pre-Launch Extended by 7 Days!
1/6/2009 11:22:53 PM
Over the last 24 hours we have received a flood of emails asking, begging and pleading with us to extend the WebProsperity Pre-Launch and continue to accept free sign-ups that are coming in like a flood.

You asked, we listened and responded!

We’ve made a decision to extend the Pre-launch by one week. The WebProsperity Founders’ Launch will begin on Tuesday, January 13th at 12 Noon EST (9 AM Pacific, 5 PM UK, 6 PM Europe). Please mark this final date in your calendar.

As I am writing this, WebProsperity has over 62,000 users with new signups joining every few seconds. Yesterday we signed up a record of over 10,000 new Members and it looks like we’ll be breaking another record today! Our goal and my expectation is for us to reach 100,000 Members by our Founders’ Launch next Tuesday!

We realize that by listening to your emails and making the decision to extend the Free Pre-launch by one week, WebProsperity will grow by tens of thousands of Members. This will create more momentum for our launch on January 13th.

More signups equals bigger commission checks for you and your entire team!
Get your free position here NOW!

Please note that as of January 13th (12 Noon EST) no more free sign-ups will be allowed into the system. You will be able to lock-in and secure your free prelaunch position with a credit card purchase until Friday, January 30th the next phase will begin (WebProsperity Global Launch) when all unpaid positions will be flushed out and the matrix will be finalized.
Get your free position here NOW!

These 7 days will fly past us in no time so stay focused…

To your success,

Web Prosperity Team Leader.

P.S. Once you've joined, stay tuned to the Web Prosperity
blog to get the latest news, updates and training here:
Web Prosperity Blog Page
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Re: WebProsperity Free Pre-Launch Extended by 7 Days!
1/9/2009 8:55:46 AM
A friend of mine mentioned something about this to me and about how big it is gonna be, so I thank you for taking the time to share this wonderful information.
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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