Happy New Year!
Lets get 2009 off and running!
Did you know that some of the most successful Companies were built by people just like you,
Companies like Avon & Tupperwareere unheard of, until they were introduced through
Network Marketing. It is a MAJOR FORCE of economic growth around the World.
World Famous Business Tycoon Warren Buffet's largest acquisition a few years ago was
Pampered Chef, a Network Marketing Company. The World's 2 largest cosmetic companies,
Avon and Mary Kay, are both network marketing companies, 1 out of every 6 people in Japan
participate in Network Marketing and the number of active distributors in the US alone has
doubled, just within the past 7 years!
So what does Warren Buffet know that most do not? First of all he knows that the average
person cannot afford $125,000+ per share of his stock,However, just about anyone can
afford to start their own business in Network Marketing. I mean, it's not much more than
the cost of a dinner for two. One of Warren Buffet's largest acquisitions of the last few
years was a Billion Dollar Network Marketing Company.
Warren also knows that conventional advertising is losing its punch and amongst other things,
Network Marketing is the perfect way to reach more people. People are becoming numb to
the marketing of major companies and would rather deal with people they know or know of.
Ask yourself, who do you trust more, your friend or a billboard?This is why financial luminaries
including Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, and Paul Zane Pilzer embrace network marketing.
They know where the smart money is going, and now that you know, you can position
yourself to profit.
TraVerus has proven to be the Hottest Opportunity of the Decade. Right now people from
all walks of life are enjoying success with TraVerus by unleashing the power of Freedom,
and the power of the TraVerus Compensation Plan for their wealth!
How about you, Are you ready to make your move? If so, don't wait any longer,
lets get your business moving. Call or email me today. Let TraVerus be your way to
making 2009 one of the best years of your life. I am here to help you reach your goal,
enjoy a better lifestyle, establish a business you can leave for your children and grandchildren.
This could be your ticket to Your Financial Freedom.
Go now to:
Happy New Year!