By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/1/2009
What are the prospects of the year that’s ahead?
Some look for great things, while others face dread.
Some will see turmoil from those filled with hate.
Others look for Jesus; for Him we await.
There’s plenty of chaos that’s out of our hands;
Brought on by leaders who ignore God’s commands.
But we have God’s promise that He cares for His own.
So cheer up dear Christian, God’s still on the throne.
The times may get hard for those not prepared.
Even believers can’t expect to be spared.
Put your faith in the Lord, His wisdom and might.
For the Judge of this world will do what is right.
So face the New Year with joy, hope and praise.
For Jesus has promised to be with us always.
The future is bright with Christ as our guide.
This may be the year that He comes for His bride.