Plan for Success 2009
In the coming year, "What are your plans? For yourself? Your dreams? and your Business?
It is that time of year, when we reflect, celebrate and renew our dreams, goals and ambitions to become better than we are. Those that plan for change, rather than react to change shall be the most rewarded both personally and professionally.
In this thread "Plan for Success 2009" we will talk mostly about planning your business success 2009. Those that have been in business have already gotten a head start but it is never too late to Plan for Success. Starting at the beginning is always easier than coming in halfway into the game. Since this is a thread for the New Year 2009 we will begin with some basics and then move forward to more intermediate topics.
So in preparation between now and the first week in January 2009, you should do the following.
Grab a pencil/pen and a regular tablet/notebook and on the first page on the first line write:
"My Plan for Success 2009" in big bold letters.
Then on the second line write:
"My Dreams for 2009" and let yourself and your imagine loose and start writing down the things you will like to accomplish in the coming year. Maybe you wish to travel, visit friends and family or simply get away for a awhile. If you write it down as part of your "Plan for Success 2009" you are more likely to make it happen. I know this from personal experiences and I am sure your own experience supports this. If write it down, make list, refer to list and adjust your actions and thinking those lists get accomplished and your mind will create new dreams on its own. (Try it! It works!)
Now that you have written down your "My Dreams for 2009" it is time to prioritize those dreams into GOALS for 2009 so skip a line or two and write:
"GOALS for 2009" here you want to take those dreams and list them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...etc. The plan and the list is yours so don't be shy and try to be honest with yourself.
Now, since writing something down, shows your inner being, that you have every intention of doing what it takes to make that dream/goal happen. If all your dreams/goals are big, NOW you know you have a lot of work to do and this process will help propel you to achieving those heights of success you has set for yourself.
If you have allowed your mind to really dream, you may have some big ones... dreams/goals to achieve.
In this case you should prioritize even more and break them into smaller parts and set milestones to achieve on your way to fulfilling your "My Dreams for 2009" checklist.
Many big dreams/goals have steps and accomplishments in common so you can list these accordingly and fulfill these mini goals on each big dreams/goals list. This will give you a greater sense of accomplishment.
Okay! This is a great start and should keep us busy for a few days. Feel free to share your Dreams/Goals list along with your comments and questions. Sharing them with others will help you stay on track, too. (more on that in the future too)
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah, enjoy your Holidays and be safe.
PS: After Christmas I hope to be replying to your comments. Also I will be sharing with you some needed basics steps, to ensure your "Plan for Success 2009" is set up on a sound foundation. Even those of us that have been around awhile should revisit these basics. As you continue to work your plan. Be sure you have subscribed to the P.R.I.M.E. Income News