Let's look at the network marketing industry as a whole. How do you measure or evaluate different opportunities to find which one is the best for building a business, and which ones (if you flat love the product) you might just want to remain a user of the product but look at other business options? In most MLM comp. plans, to make $1000 a month in personal income, how much sales volume do you need to generate? $6,000-$10,000 (average) in sales yields $1000 in commissions to you. The reality is, that very few people can sell that much product, thus few people can make that much money. If people aren't making at least $1000 a month, it is very hard to keep them motivated and in the business.... especially when many companies require you to spend money buying product every month. I choose to take several network marketing products, but as far as building a business, I choose to align myself with Pre-Paid Legal. Why? In PPL, you can generate that $1000 in cimmission off $598 in volume. Now call me crazy, but side by side, would you choose to have to do $6-$10K or $598??? And I didn't want to be in competition with every other MLM company trying to sell the same product(some with the slight twist) you can bye In Wal-mart, GNC, Costco, Brookstone, Expedia, Ebay, etc. You can go find virtually every product or service I have seen in MLM somewhere else, exept for Pre-Paid Legal membership. That is called LONG TERM opportunity. 99% of all of these MLM deals out there say they are different, but they are not. What do you expect them to say.... "we are the same, and not the best, but come join us."? No, of course they'll lead you to believe they discovered the hidden secret, special fruit tree root oil/mineral that cures every ailment known to men, and that their ingredients cannot be duplicated or had by anyone else. Or they tell you to pay $450 to have the right to charge people for a travel deal that they could beat online for free. Hear me....these things have been embellished for marketing reasons, and all of them point to the 1/2% at the top they propped up to show you a big commission check. How many everyday people can they show you who started last month who have made $1000 (and done it without gauging people, getting people to pay in $6-$10K in overall volume)? They will stutter and stumble on that one. But they somehow succeed in getting people to get on a $100-$200 autoship of product so they can make their volume and overrides. I want to be in a business that helps people make money by helping people get value they can't get anywhere else. I want to be with a proven entity that is publicly traded so I know they are solid and regulated. I want to know that when I recruit someone, that I know they will make money without having to sell them on some pipedream. I chose PPL for these and many other reasons. Yuo might consider these ideas carefuly. Your Financial future is riding on it. Mikheil Kharebov