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Alzheimer's Test
8/29/2005 6:33:44 PM
Count the "F's" in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS... Managed it ? Scroll down only after you have counted them, okay? Do you think there are three? How many ? 3? Wrong, there are 6 !!--no joke. Read it again. The reasoning behind it is further down. The brain cannot process "OF". Incredible or what ? Go back and look again!! Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius. Three is normal, four is quite rare. Send this to your friends-it drives them crazy
Re: Alzheimer's Test
8/29/2005 6:53:42 PM
wow that was cool Thanks my friend Peace and Love Jeff
In Much Graditude and Love Namaste OWN A PIECE OF A LARGE INTERNET COMPANY FOR FREE: OWN THE INTERNET FOR FREE-Its that simple: To See My Art Work & Poetry Writi
Donna Lira

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Re: Alzheimer's Test
8/29/2005 7:28:44 PM
Wow that is cool Warm Regards Donna aka Texgirl
Re: Alzheimer's Test
8/29/2005 7:58:06 PM
My Dear Friend ! It is really interesting. Well said and explained. I liked it. With lots of Love and Affection ! Your Ever Loving Friend, Mohamed Gani.
Re: Alzheimer's Test
8/29/2005 9:43:24 PM
Hey Leanne, That is pretty good,in fact it was fantastic,I will have to take this to work tomorrow and see if I can baffle my bosses with your cleverness. Gary. Want to make money for life,by owning a piece of a large company. Please read the whole site to understand this RED HOT PROGRAMME.