With over 10 years of internet experience it is my considered opinion
that these days the experienced Internet users join people NOT programs.
It is therefore vital that you learn to sell YOU not your program.
The so called Guru's would have you believe that you need to slam ads
for your program in the face of everyone you meet, and those you dont
by posting your ads everywhere you can find.
They tell you to:-
Write down a list of friends and family.
Tell everyone you know about the program
Tell everyone you don't know about the program.
Always have your presentation map with you and pull it out at every opportunity.
How many of you have followed this advice?
How many of you find that people run the other way when they see you coming now?
How many of you create a profile that talks about your program not about you?
Does this sound familiar?
It takes 100 No's to get a Yes.
If someone says no just think Next.
What a crock of crap!
Count up how much time did you waste to get those 100 No's?
Its time to wake up, smell the coffle, and get real.
Its time to spend your time more efficiently.
If you sell YOU then people will come to YOU you will not have to
chase them down like a rabid animal out to kill just for pleasure.
Ask yourself this question.
"Do I want to be know as a someone that cant think for myself or
do I want to be known as a real genuine person with a mind of my own"
It is almost new year. The time most people make new years resolutions.
Add these to your list. But be warned they will be far harder to keep than
the usual stop smoking, lose weight, get fit resolutions that most people make.
STOP making a pariah of yourself.
STOP being Sheeple and following every word the Guru's tell you.
STOP spouting quotes like a parrot every time you open your mouth.
STOP pretending to be every ones friend.
START thinking for YOURSELF.
START selling YOU.
What are my resolutions?
CONTINUE thinking for MYSELF.
CONTINUE selling ME.