By Rev. Dean Beaty 12/5/08
‘Twas the night that Christ was born two-thousand years ago.
Just a few expected Him to be born on earth below.
When the shepherds saw the angels in garments all aglow,
They hurried off to Bethlehem to see if it were so.
They found the new born babe just as the angels said.
He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and in a manger bed.
When first they saw the angels their hearts were filled with dread.
But when they saw the Christ child, the news they gladly spread.
Here was the Messiah who had come down to the earth.
Their hearts were filled with joy because of Jesus’ birth.
They did not fully know Christ’s glory and His worth.
How that He would bring to men the promise of rebirth.
Nor that thirty years from hence He would die on Calv’ry tree,
As God’s sacrifice for sin as He bore our penalty.
Have you trusted in God’s Son and bowed to Him your knee?
He is the only way from sin to be set free.