With only 5 signups per person per level in Lotto Magic, we can each earn almost $8,000 monthly, that's about $95,000 per year.
Lots of members make 5 or more signups per month. If each member can accomplish this, we'll all reach that $8,000 monthly income within a few months!
We get paid every month from each member, down thru 5 levels.
We earn $25 monthly from each Captain on our first level, and $2 monthly from each Captain on levels 2 thru 5.
PLUS...we get 10% of all winning lottery tickets from our entire 5-level downline!
With just 5 signups per person per level, we'll have an average of 33,000 tickets in play in the Florida lottery EVERY MONTH, that's almost 400,000 tickets per year... in addition to nearly $8,000 in referral income!
Lotto Magic has been in business worldwide for 13 years and has members in all 50 states and many countries.
You also get unlimited discount hotel certificates in dozens of resort destinations in North America, including Hawaii, Mexico and Canada. UNLIMITED HOTEL CERTIFICATES! You'll get a 3-day/2-night stay for only $29.
Join Lotto Magic today and start enjoying all these fantastic benefits and MORE!