By Dean Beaty 11/20/08
Dr. Seuss was very clever to fool the public so.
With books and toys and movies he pulled in lots of dough.
Like modern art and music; most anything will do.
Neither one takes talent. I’ll leave it up to you.
In looking for a word to finish up a rhyme,
Just make a new word up like fillowjink or flime.
It doesn’t really matter cause his audience is young.
They don’t know the difference in applesauce and chung.
And if the children ask, ”What is a flime, grandma?”
Tell them, “In the morning you can ask your wise grandpa.”
Then draw an odd ball creature that never should exist.
And tell a stupid story and give the end a twist.
Why not give our children some educated stuff?
And tell ole Dr. Seuss, “Were going to call your bluff!”
Non-art, non-education, that’s the style today.
But parents with an ounce of sense don’t have to go that way.