Count of St. Germain
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Count of St Germain by unknown artist
The Count of St. Germain (fl. 1710–1784) has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, charlatan, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist and amateur composer, but is best known as a recurring figure in the stories of several strands of occultism – particularly those connected to Theosophy, where he is also referred to as the Master Rakoczi or the Master R and credited with near god-like powers and longevity. Some sources write that his name is not familial, but was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Herman", or " Holy Brother Herman." St. Germanus was a lay brother of the Benedictine order. [1][2][3]
As implied by Casanova (below), who refers to him as the "celebrated and learned impostor," St. Germain also may well have been a Pretender, a rare, highly adaptable, and versatile type of prodigy, similar to the fictional characters Tom Ripley and Jarod, and the real-life individuals Ferdinand Demara and Frank Abagnale.
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Theosophy is a doctrine of religious philosophy and metaphysics originating with Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. In this context, theosophy holds that all religions are attempts by the "Spiritual Hierarchy" to help humanity in evolving to greater perfection, and that each religion therefore has a portion of the truth. Together with Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and others, Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.
[edit] Evolution and Race
Theosophists believe that religion, philosophy, science, the arts, commerce, and philanthropy, among other "virtues," lead people ever closer to "the Absolute."
Planets, solar systems, galaxies, and the cosmos itself are seen as conscious beings, fulfilling their own evolutionary paths.
The spiritual units of consciousness in the universe are the Monads, which may manifest as angels, human beings or in various other forms. Essentially, according to Leibniz in his Monadology, and adopted by Blavatsky because of the usefulness of the idea regarding a perspective upon what is called the Higher Self or Spiritual Nature of man, the idea of Monad stands for an essential unitary nature, a point which is the basis for all compound natures, or a sort of 'spiritual atom.' The point is that all beings, regardless of stature or complexity, are informed by the Monad, as it/they perfectly reflect(s) all of nature, but only from their vantage point. So-called empty Space is "dotted" with them to the exclusion of emptiness.
Theosophists also believe that human civilization, like all other parts of the universe, develops through cycles of seven stages. Thus in the first age, humans were pure spirit; in the second age, they are known as Hyperboreans; in the third as Lemurians; and in the fourth, Atlanteans. Since Atlantis was the nadir of the cycle, the present fifth age is a time of reawakening humanity's psychic gifts. The term psychic here really means the realization of the permeability of consciousness as it had not been known earlier in evolution, although sensed by some more sensitive individuals of our culture.
In The Secret Doctrine,[2] Blavatsky says that Semitic peoples were an offshoot of the initial Aryan Race which through a natural process of differentiation, had branched off from the Parent Aryan Race, along with its core beliefs, and became the basis for the Semitic peoples, as they are known in the Mid-east and from which ultimately sprung the Judeo-Christian perspective upon the Wisdom Religion of the Aryans. "[3] According to her, the Semitic were an early off-shoot or Sub-Race of this 5th Race of people, who are the participants within the earlier races, and will be the participants of the latter races to be, as the evolution of our Spiritual awareness naturally proceeds and the less flexible forms of preceding people (through a Darwinian perspective) are less and less adaptable to the Soul's needs. However, this evolutionary drive, must be consciously assisted by its participants. For there can be no increase in awareness for those who practice an addiction to a stultifying materialism. This is one of the major emphases in Theosophy and is discussed in what is known as the Third Fundamental in The Secret Doctrine. Self-imposed and Self-divised effort is said to bring about the changes needed for us to effectively grow in Spiritual awareness, and only this is said to be able to enrich our culture with genuine ethical civilization.
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Ascended Masters
Beliefs about Ascended Masters
Originally presented by H. P. Blavatsky in the 1870s,[8] the "Masters of Wisdom" or "Mahatmas" or "Elder Brothers" [9] were further developed by C. W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Manly P. Hall. Later on many others in theosophy-based organizations, especially in the United States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters which departs from the theosophical one in several aspects. It is believed that Ascended Masters are individuals who were formerly embodied on the Earth and learned the lessons of life during their incarnations. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan). An Ascended Master, in such an understanding, has become God-like and a source of unconditional "Divine Love" to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own "God Self," the "I AM Presence."
It is further claimed by various groups and teachers that the Ascended Masters serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit, and that all people will eventually attain their Ascension and move forward in spiritual evolution beyond this planet. [10] According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity, and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth. In many traditions and organizations, they are considered part of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth, and members of the Great Brotherhood of Light, also known as the Great White Lodge, Great White Brotherhood, or Universal White Brotherhood (per Peter Deunov). [11]
According to Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme there are sixty Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, defined as beings who are have reached the Fifth Level of Initiation or above, with Djwhal Khul in a pivotal role as the master who telepathically dictated the many esoteric teachings in Baileys' books. Elizabeth Clare Prophet revealed the names of a number of these Ascended Masters that were previously unknown.
The concept of recognizing the spiritual self, one's own psychological and karma battles and how to overcome them, and eventual Ascension of all humanity is covered in James Redfield's Celestine Prophecy and its sequels, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision and The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. These books, while controversial, are recent popularizations of the concept of Ascension.
[edit] Origins
Esotericism is defined as the belief that secret societies and mystery schools [12] possess advanced spiritual knowledge. Such beliefs are extremely ancient.[13] This idea was re-introduced in the West by the Rosicrucians in the 17th century.
The founder of the Theosophical Society, H. P. Blavatsky, in the late 19th century brought attention to the idea of secret initiatory knowledge, by claiming her ideas were based on traditions transmitted to her by occult means from a group of highly evolved humans which she called the Mahatmas or Masters. These Mahatmas, she claimed, were physical beings living in the Himalayas, usually understood as Tibet.
- ".. they are living men, born as we are born, and doomed to die like every mortal. We call them “masters” because they are our teachers; and because from them we have derived all the Theosophical truths... They are men of great learning, whom we call Initiates, and still greater holiness of life." [14]
While some of her critics believe the Masters are pure fantasy, other writers suggest that her changing stories were meant to hide the identities of real human teachers guiding her work. [15] In assessing the veracity of Blavatsky's claim regarding the existence of these Masters, it is worth noting that at least 25 other people left a written account of having met the Mahatmas themselves during Blavatsky's lifetime. [16] Blavatsky claimed that she personally met numerous Masters on countless occasions, and was also the guest of the Master Koot Hoomi while visiting the "Little Tibet" region of Kashmir. [17]
After Madame Blavatsky's death in 1891, the Mahatma concept was developed by her successors in the Theosophical Society leadership, Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, who described the Masters in great detail and added Jesus to their number. In Leadbeater's book, The Masters and the Path (1925), the Masters are presented as human beings full of wisdom and compassion, albeit still limited by human bodies. Later organizations theosophy-based developed the theory adding more elements developing the concept of Ascended Masters which bears some important differences with the Theosophical one.
[edit] Comparison of unascended and Ascended Masters
There is considerable difference between the concept of Masters of Wisdom in 19th century theosophy (as described by Blavatsky, Olcott, Sinnett, and others) and the current concept of Ascended Masters. [18] The believers in "Immortal Saints and Sages" [19] claim that these individuals have gone through the Initiations of the Transfiguration, Resurrection, and the Ascension [20] to become "Ascended Masters". The twentieth century teachings of the Ballards, Prophets, and others claim that although Morya and Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi) were Adepts and Masters of the lower matter planes and the elemental forces of nature, they had not become Ascended Masters until 1898, while Serapis and the Maha Chohan, who were interacting with Theosophists during Blavatsky's time, already were Ascended Masters. [21]
An unascended Master has, according to these later teachings, overcome the limitations of the lower matter octaves (physical, emotional, mental), yet has chosen to postpone the final Initiation of the Ascension to remain in time and space to externalize and focus the Consciousness of God for the evolutions of the Earth. [22] If a person takes a Bodhisattva vow, they may choose to remain with the humanity of this Earth as an unascended Master in one of the lower Spirit/Matter Octaves, as was the case with Babaji. [23] It is believed by proponents of these beliefs that if enough mastery and externalization of the Divine Nature has been developed, such an Adept becomes an Initiate of one of the Brotherhoods or Sisterhoods of Light under the auspices of the Great White Brotherhood. [24] It is claimed that there can be a high degree of attainment within the lower body vehicles of expression (physical, emotional, mental, memory), yet that Adept may still not be Ascended (not primarily expressing through the Higher Bodies).[25]
One such teaching claims that examples of unascended Masters are: Yogananda, Mataji, [26] and Lao-tzu. [27] The belief is that they have un-Ascended bodies that are not flesh and blood of the lowest of the sub-plane substance of the physical octave, but of the "finer matter" that composes the upper etheric sub-planes of the physical octave, as well as the emotional (astral) octave, and the mental octave. [28]
[edit] The Great White Brotherhood
The Masters are collectively called the "Great White Brotherhood" in Theosophical belief systems. The use of the term "white" refers to their advanced spirituality (i.e., that they have a white colored aura) and has nothing to do with race. Blavatsky described many of the Masters as ethnically Tibetan or Indian (Hindu), not European.[29] She did, however, describe them as being from all cultures and races, such as the "Greek gentleman" known as Hilarion.[30]
Belief in the Brotherhood and the Masters is an essential part of the syncretistic teachings of various organizations that have taken the Theosophical philosophical concepts and added their own elements.[31] Examples of those believed to be Ascended Masters by these organizations are Jesus, Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Lady Master Nada, Enoch, Pope John Paul II, [32] Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, Kuthumi.[33] [34] [35] [36] [37] It is believed that all of these put aside any differences they might have had in their Earthly careers, and unite instead to advance the spiritual well-being of humanity. [38]
See also
I have found many places online. That are having discussions on these subjects and many are true believers in the possibilities offered. I am a seeker and love to read about such subjects as I love to read Science Fiction, Mythology and Fiction. I have never met a Sorceror, but I have seen magicians, phychics and fortune tellers. Most ply their craft for a fee, a payment of somekind. I recently read where St.Germain owns all the banks of the world. Does this make them a member of the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers or simply capitalists and profiteers?
I ask because in most every case they charge for more insights to their teachings, feeding your thirst for the knowledge of the unknown. and need for something to believe in and often times their clientelle are those least able to pay, but seek the promised riches of knowing the knowledge contained within their writings. This seems to me a form of servitude. Is the design and desire of the creator? What do you think?