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Lydia Fokina

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Time to buy Russian shares!
11/12/2008 7:14:09 AM

Time to buy Russian shares!

Despite all the events taking place in the world economy at present, we have to think about the future, about proper allocation of funds in order to preserve and increase them. The Russian stock market is, at the present, a most interesting and profitable investment tool. You can receive more profits here than investing your money in a deposit account or preserving them in currency. Moreover, you get a number of substantial advantages when working on the stock market:

  • Affordability (you can start by investing even a small sum)
  • Management efficiency (considering Internet technologies and modern means of communications)
  • No time limitations (unlike a bank deposit which has a certain term, you decide yourself when to sell your securities — tomorrow, in a month or in a year)
  • Independent decision making, which is important for people who rely on themselves
  • It is a cornerstone of your future wealth, as Russian stock market has good growth prospects.

You can realize all these advantages with Intway Corporation. We ensure all the necessary conditions for convenient investment:

  • Brokerage security trading services in Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX)
  • Filing an application to open an account via Internet
  • A free Internet trading system QUIK
  • Transactions can be made both through an Internet trading system and by phone
  • Profitable rates for brokerage services
  • Providing leverage that increases the volume of transactions
  • Quality technical support
  • Training — free seminars on investment and Internet trading, master classes by leading Russian traders, as well as training courses on the Russian securities market (the cost of training has been reduced by 35% and now amounts to only RUR 3900).

You may ask: why buy securities right now?

  1. According to analysts, the shares of the majority of largest Russian companies (the so-called “blue chips”), just as the “second tier” shares, are considerably undervalued. At present time, the prices for the shares of the leading Russian companies have decreased to the level of 2005 and have a high growth potential during the next 2–3 years.
  2. Many attractive “second tier” shares cost much less than at any time in the recent 5 years.
  3. The stock market crisis has had practically no influence on the production process of Russian companies, i.e. quality and quantity indicators of their activities have remained at the same level as they were in May, 2008, when their shares were quoted highest.
  4. Russian economy and GDP are steadily growing, thus allowing to assume that the Russian stock market will soon show faster growth in comparison with the markets of other developed and developing countries.

The RF government has declared that it is ready to support the Russian stock market, and for this purpose it will spend about RUR 175 bln. to buy shares on the stock exchange, and the same sum may be invested next year. Public companies, such as Sberbank, VTB, Rosneft, Gazprom, will be supported first.

At present, the investors on the Russian stock market are optimistic, which means that the market is going to turn and the main indexes are going to grow in the near future. Even now the “blue chips” show a growth of 20–30% in comparison with the values of a week ago. MICEX Stock Exchange has shown the growth for the shares of Gazprom (+ 28.5 %), VTB (+ 14 %), LUKOIL (+ 23.4 %), Norilsky Nickel (+ 56.2 %), Rosneft (+ 29.6 %), Gazprom neft (+ 46.2 %), Tatneft (+ 31.2 %), Polyus Zoloto (+ 33.2%), Surgutneftegaz (+ 20.4 %).

The world financial crisis is the time to re-allocate your funds, a great possibility to make a fortune in a short time, join the circle of happy financially independent people who have earned their capital on the Russian stock market.

So if you have decided to invest in the Russian stock market, you only have to fill in the form and start your way to financial independence.

To our mutual success!
Intway World Corporation

Nick Sym

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Re: Time to buy Russian shares!
11/12/2008 11:25:08 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works

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