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Jim Allen

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What If "Dreams of My Father" has Nothing to do with BHO Sr.?
11/10/2008 2:57:39 PM

I do not know how this will be received.  The fact is many have overlooked, chose not to share, didn't see the resemblance, unwilling to see, explore the possibilities and share the "Dream" with others.  But you do have to wonder : WHAT IF?!

((youtube id="2moOiS0sAGg"))((/youtube))

What if there is a reason to the madness?

What if there is a true need for diversion?

What if there is real peace and justice ahead, for ALL?

What if none of us know, what we thought we knew?

The answers to the "What IF" question, have been hidden purposely by the enlightened few, to protect the future for when the time is ripe for acceptance by the masses.  Are you ready?  Are you willing to open your mind?  Or are you afraid?

I know I am asking a lot of open ended questions, I have been guilty of the same misconceptions and confusion, surrounding the real question.  Who the hell is Barack Hussein Obama?

Up to this point and time I do not know!  But I have been seeking the answer.

((youtube id="ZGmZ0fhH5fM"))((/youtube))

((youtube id="TldmoSfisKM&feature=related"))((/youtube))


((youtube id="WkTnUxLjO2E&feature=related"))((/youtube))

To accomplish the "DREAM"  ((youtube id="PbUtL_0vAJk"))((/youtube))  unity needs to come to your own house before you can unify "Change" the world.  "Charity Begins at Home" you cannot bring peace until you bring the same into your own house, body and soul.

"Charity Begins at Home"

((youtube id="CRNciryImqg&feature=related"))((/youtube))

Today we have Barack Hussein Obama


Four Days in Denver: Behind the Scenes at the 2008 DNC

((youtube id="eCeNPAaGVVY"))((/youtube))

President Elect Barack H. Obama

((youtube id="FrXkBuWNx88"))((/youtube))

Well, I still don't know.  We may know sometime in December, possibly the 1st to the 3rd It depends on what happens at discovery in the SCOTUS Souter case.  At this point in time all issues and doubts could be answered.  Or there could be more delay, stalling and gerrymandering.

Up to this point, I must stand on my previous doubts and beliefs.  But I also look forward to a positive outcome for all concerned. 

The final decision is out of our hands.  It will most likely be settled by the courts or not.  All I can do is hope and pray for is that the right decision for Our America, yours and mine is made. 

The oath of office, demands that the oath taker acknowledge and protect the Rights of the People and the Constitution of the United States of America.  I have every belief and hope that, that will be done.

I find it truly sad and disturbing, that in this day and the Information Age, no definitive answers can be found.  Some say LOVE is the answer.  But we had a time of Peace and Love in the 60's and it bred the likes of William Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, The Weather Underground, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Farrakhan, NOI, and the Black Panther Movement.  Not a lot of Peace, Love and Unity there.  Charismatic leaders and thinkers were assassinated during this time.  One seemed to have true love and sincerity in his heart. 

I don't believe the way forward lies there.  It does serve as a reminder of failed agendas and mis-managed movements and serves to show us what not to do, maybe. 

However History seems to have a way to repeat itself for no other reason than it is no longer taught.  As with many other things, it is there for those that seek solutions as reminder of what not to do.  Perhaps or Perhaps Not.

May God Bless America and the World no matter what name your God goes by.  A blessing is a blessing.


Jim Allen III

All Rights Reserved ©



Note:  Links to my research*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7WZPA*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7WZPA&um=1&hl=en&sa=X&oi=news_result&resnum=6&ct=title

((youtube id="ENHP89mLWOY"))((/youtube))

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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Re: What If "Dreams of My Father" has Nothing to do with BHO Sr.?
11/10/2008 5:18:01 PM

Hi Jim,

Interesting theory or possibly more correct to say possiblilty that there is some sort of relationship between Hussein and Malcom X.

With out a doubt there is a striking resemblance between the two. If this is true it only "solves" one question that pertains to his citizenship.

All the other troubling questions that were raised are unchanged and even become more serious if this was the case.

Part of the problem can be immediately solved when and if he releases his vault birth certificate. All the other very serious questions, associations, relationships, supporters etc. remains unchanged.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Steven Suchar

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Re: What If "Dreams of My Father" has Nothing to do with BHO Sr.?
11/10/2008 8:42:57 PM
Thank You Jim III :)

Re: What If "Dreams of My Father" has Nothing to do with BHO Sr.?
11/11/2008 7:28:43 PM


It is a shame that our commie news buried all of this!

I am not going to sit by silently as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid re-make our nation in their liberal image.

That's why I just joined a grassroots conservative effort to RESIST Obama's liberal agenda. Please go here to join with me:



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