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Beth Schmillen

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Welcome to my Directmatches thread!
11/8/2008 9:32:23 PM

Welcome to my Directmatches thread!

Usually this forum is for "only fun stuff" but I've used up my compliment of three forums so decided I would just add this thread for DirectMatches!

I had a brainstorm! I'm starting this thread to promote DM on behalf of all my downline. It's taken me a long time to realize it, but I won't be successful at this affiliate stuff until my downline is successful!

(I'll be featuring my downline soon...I'm waiting for permission from each of my downline before I feature them here...)

My sponsor is Marion (Goldie) Tucker here at Adlandpro.
She already has a full forum dedicated to DirectMatches.
If you are curious about more info on DirectMatches Just go to
and Goldie's got all the info right there!

Of course I'd like to personnally invite you to also join so you can place a free ad along with your profile. That way you'll see what DirectMatches is all about!  There's forums, groups and a whole lot more. What's best is if you are also an Adlandpro Affiliate you can easily find someone over there from time to time who will sign up over here!

Try it free. Use the basic membership free as long as you like!

All ready belong? Please invite me to be one of your friends there!
You can find me there as Beth Schmillen ...I don't know if a search for
BethsVentures works over there!

Nick Sym

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Re: Welcome to my Directmatches thread!
11/11/2008 3:17:12 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Beth Schmillen

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Re: I've gotta Secret!
11/11/2008 4:39:50 PM

I've gotta secret!

best wishes,

Beth Schmillen

3061 Posts
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Re: I've gotta Secret!
11/12/2008 6:52:05 AM


It's time to make sure this is for you.

OK, so why is it FREE TO START? This is why we are NOT a traditional M_L_M Company! And this is probably the single MOST IMPORTANT distinction that needs to be made by ANYONE considering the Directmatches opportunity. Be sure that you are absolutely clear on this...


FREE REGISTRATION: Free registration works for you to help build your business. You refer people to your Personal Business Social Networking Site (provided for Free) or your Non-Business Website to sign up for a free account and watch how the MRM system works for you.

Your free referrals will reserve a position in the company and receive a free profile. They can preview member matches, have matches delivered directly to their e-mail inbox and are notified as new members come into their group. This is simply the MRM system in action, working for you, silently, online, and 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.

Some people struggle to earn income in network marketing because they lack sales experience and the ability to close sales - and this is why people love DM, it's free to join and free to share.

Simply refer people to your site to join at no cost to them. The MRM system takes over and reduces the pressure of selling. The MRM system works with you to upgrade your referrals to paid sales.

Directmatches is ABSOLUTELY FREE!!

That's right, it is absolutely free to join and you can do so today and be in business in a matter of minutes! Also, you can advertise your existing business TODAY free!

Just Go To:


You can watch my social networking movie again at

I look forward to working with you!


Beth Schmillen

3061 Posts
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Re: I've gotta Secret!
11/14/2008 11:33:26 PM

Welcome and Thanks for Visiting!

When you join DirectMatches...Online Networking becomes the most safisfying and fulfilling career you can
create for yourself!
Network Marketing ~ The time of your Life!

Network Marketing ~ The time of your Life!

And Now the Easiest Way to Promote DirectMatches!

SecretDM Flash Movie System

advertise with banners like this

Click and you'll go to presentation page!
need more info?

Click Here


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