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it really is that time...
11/7/2008 2:36:08 PM

yes, Christmas...
Subject: The Best Christmas Gift for every Woman You Know
I'm Here to Help
Braidy Sparrow
Hi there. I'm Braidy Sparrow.
I would love to answer any questions you have about this promotion or our Holiday Newsletter.
Please write Me at
Please join our Holiday Special Feature

Every Wednesday starting November 14 - Christmas, we are releasing a new edition of the Children of the Ages series.

This {8-part} series is for your entertainment -- with hot excerpts from
The Sand Between My Toes.

Join today, purchase today, or write us today for details on how you can get involved.

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Hello. I am wrting today to introduce you to a wonderful gift idea for your Association's members, executive, volunteers and business' employees.
Here at we are working hard to ensure the gifts you provide are the very best.
This featured item is our pick for Christmas 2008:
The Poetry Saga of the Century

The Sand Between My Toes tells the story of a young woman who is struggling to find peace in a world, thus far soiled by abusive relationships and substance addictions. Through an emotionally impacting 183 pages of chronological poetry, we experience her journey as she follows true love and is gradually healed.
We also discover a secret to living a life free of this world's pain.

Hope for the Broken-Hearted: Click HERE

Why this book is a 'must have' for ESL Students

The Sand Between My ToesSample Reading Click Here.

Table of Contents
Part I: Torn and Breaking
Part II: a change in the wind
Part III: Chapter's Turning

Part IV: His Spirit Breathes

Charities and Sponsors

Your Copy

The Sand Between My Toes,
by Hazel Hoyle

Contact Us
Order Today
Free Shipping on orders of five or more copies.
Discounts available for coporate bulk orders. Wholesale prices available for Books donated to Women's Charities. Discounts for fundraising events.
Contact Braidy Sparrow or Hazel Hoyle for details
Telephone: 1-604-216-2716
Order in time for Christmas Deadline: December 5, 2008 {12 pm PST}
Prices reduced for Christmas!!
TODAY!! | 999 Canada Place | Vancouver | BC | V6E 3E2 | Canada

Vancouver BC

For Their Stockings:
The Best Christmas Gift
The Poetry Saga of the Century


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