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Trina Sonnenberg

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An Open Letter to My Friends
11/5/2008 11:03:43 AM
Dear Friends;

This is an open letter to you all, to let you know that I appreciate you and your thoughts of concern. It warms my heart that I am thought so highly of by you.

I have been getting many requests from you all, to join new networking groups, and programs; thank you for thinking of me. I have joined many of them, but I must let you know that I just do not have the hours in the day to join and participate in them all. I honestly wish that there were; however, I am having to do some serious modifications to my schedule to keep up right now. (It is an awesome feeling to belong.)

I need time to market my book, save my house, and get after the book I am currently writing. Yes! my novel has begun to find its way to paper. I had the most incredible experience the other day... After reading a single chapter, the first chapter, of the book: 'Write It Down, Make It Happen,' (get this book) I wrote out a list of things that I wanted to do with my life. Are you familiar with the movie, 'The Bucket List?' It was a list like that. (No, I'm not kicking the bucket any time soon.)

The first thing I wrote down on my list was this: I am going to write the book that's inside my head.

This book has been inside my head for years, but I just didn't know where to start, and I kept making excuses for not starting it.

The very next day, I kid you not... The very next day, it started pouring out of me. I head flooded with how it was going to go. I grabbed my notebook and just wrote. When I finished, I had two-thirds of an outline completed! I was blown away! I was actually giggling over what I had done.

The faucet has been turned on, and it makes my heart sing. So, if you don't hear from me for awhile, please don't take it personally, or think I feel off the planet. I am writing! I do read your posts, and messages. I just don't have any extra-free time to answer them all personally; individually.

I appreciate you all; please never think otherwise. I thank you from the depths of my heart for your friendship.

Now I must get back to catching the flow. And, I do have a house to save.

Take care and have an awesome life! I'll catch up with you later.


PS: Don't stop writing to me... please. I love hearing from you. Your messages are an inspiration to me.

Author of: My Journey A Lifetime of Verse, ISBN: 978-0-61516405-2
Co-Owner: Internet Marketing Mavens

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Patricia Bartch

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Re: An Open Letter to My Friends
11/5/2008 12:45:01 PM

I'm so happy to call you a friend Trina.  I look forward to reading your novel my girl.  Take care and hurry up with your vision!!!


Love and hugs,


I'm Your AVON LADY: *Ask me how to get FREE Shipping.
Jose Palomino

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Re: An Open Letter to My Friends
11/5/2008 4:11:02 PM

Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about You

I wish you nothing but success.

Have Fun!
I use my spare time to help others to Become A Top 3% Online Earner!.
Peter Van Nieuwenhoven

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Re: An Open Letter to My Friends
11/5/2008 5:12:44 PM
Hi Trina,

this video will motivate you:

regards, Peter looking for leades in a new company just launched
Jo Matthias

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Re: An Open Letter to My Friends
11/6/2008 6:17:39 PM

Hello Trina,

I am not marketing anything at the moment.  I haven't had the time or the money. 

I've had a really bad 7 months and just haven't had time for much of anything. 

I pray that you continue to grow and get better in all you do.

Take care.....

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