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Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Do you want a social network without the ads in your face?
11/4/2008 7:06:46 PM

The new APSense 2.0 is a place where REAL people can network without having ads in your face all the time.

I know some of you are members in the original APSense and  you stopped using it because of the trash just posting spam ad after spam ad. This made it very dificult to find any content of quality.

In the 2.0 side  NO ads are allowed in the articles area in fact they are ONLY allowed in the market place which is a completely separate zone.

If you were a member then why not come on back and try the 2.0. Just log into your APSense account click on the community 2.0 tab.

Then log in using your same user id and password. Fill out your profile and get access.

Once in there BEFORE you make any posts read the tutorials and faq section posts (click the Tab "Articles" then sub folder  "tutorials and  FAQ") you will find guidelines on how to use the 2.0 correctly.

If you are not a member and you want a spam free place to network then

click here to join and follow the instructions above.

A 6 person Admin team is there willing and able to assist you if you need it.

Spam poster need not apply as that same 6 person admin team will weed you out.


Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Do you want a social network without the ads in your face?
11/5/2008 10:29:19 AM
Hello Bill,

Thanks for this. I'll have to take a look.

I am an Apsense member, but have to admit to not spending much time there. I believe that some people just don't sleep!!!

Does it have to be either / or, or can you use both?

Well, I can answer that for myself when I take a look.

You seem to be very knowledgeable about Apsense. Thanks for passing on the knowledge.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Re: Do you want a social network without the ads in your face?
11/5/2008 9:54:16 PM

Hi Sarah,

You can use both the 1.0 and 2.0, but I think you will find that the serious people are  concentrating on  2.0 to Sell themselves  rather than their products.

We are te ones that realise people buy from people they know and trust  and  2.0 is a great way  to  build that  trust relationship.

I have been an administrator  in APsense almost from the begining. so yes I do have quite a bit of knowledge about it. 

If you need any help there just give me or any of the admin team a shout.


Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: Do you want a social network without the ads in your face?
2/4/2009 6:20:25 PM

Hi Bill,

It's taken a long time but I just made it.

I will take a look at the FAQ and tutorials.


Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Re: Do you want a social network without the ads in your face?
2/5/2009 8:50:00 AM

Hi Roger,

good to hear from you, will make contact  with you there.



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