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Beth Schmillen

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Original Thread: Have You Seen Odd Lights in the Sky that couold be called UFO?
11/4/2008 1:28:11 AM

Have you seen odd lights in the sky that could be called UFO?
Take the Poll ( to be added again ) and let us know!

It's now in an all new thread!
Take the UFO Poll

I need to change my response from you've got to be kidding to yes!

((( I was just informed that my poll isn't working!
Seems Adland Forums do not support the Poll anymore! What?


Adlandpro Forums still support Polls...
They need to be in a new posting and no doubt fairly current!

Take the UFO Poll
All new Thread for UFO Poll!

Please add your expereince or lack there of with sightings of UFOs
as defined by the us military or your experiential awareness!

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Have you seen odd lights in the sky that could be called ufo?
Generic question to get an overall feel for the response of the community to this forum's topic!
Total Votes: 16

Please login to vote.
Nick Sym

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Re: Please take this Poll so we can get a real sense of the attitudes here in our Adland Community!
11/4/2008 2:40:39 AM
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Beth Schmillen

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Re: Please take this Poll so we can get a real sense of the attitudes here in our Adland Community!
11/4/2008 4:58:57 PM

Thanks Nick for voting!

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  • Total Votes: 5
  • Voting Ends: 3/21/2036

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Patricia Bartch

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Re: Please take this Poll so we can get a real sense of the attitudes here in our Adland Community!
11/4/2008 5:53:26 PM

Hi Beth. I said no I have never seen anything that could be a UFO. I believe there are UFO's though and life on other planets.

I watched sci-fi alot when I was a kid, read Jules Vern and H.G. Wells !!

Great topic and very interesting.


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Beth Schmillen

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Re: Please take this Poll so we can get a real sense of the attitudes here in our Adland Community!
11/4/2008 8:48:40 PM

Hi Pat!

Thanks for your vote! Happy to see a true believer!

That's all it takes is reading H.G.Wells and Jules Vern as a kid! I read those also way back then! 

by my 30s and 40s as a single mom I started reading U.K. Lequin, Norman Spinrad, Asimov and A.C. Clarke of course as well as Brian Aldiss and many other classic sic fi story tellers!

that may be a new thread here eventually. Sci Fi!

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ps....I replied to you a while ago but i guess that's when IE needed to send an error report and closed it all down! *smiles*
