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Jim Allen

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Who Will RULE the World
11/3/2008 10:23:49 PM

Who Will RULE the World

While chatting with a good friend via Skype today. I came to the realization of something that should be on all our minds as we drive to the polls. As we are driving, standing inline, waiting to cast our votes.

We should look at a few things.

What came to my mind was something very scary.  George Bush, the President of the United States, may not be all that dimwitted after all. You see he was smart enough to see the danger ahead, perhaps. Yes, he has inflamed the situation.

But only after being ridiculed world wide for seeing an enemy no one else could see.

Those that could were willing to keep their mouths shut, because there has been an underground (Weather) movement with a theme of Love.

We saw it in the sixties and many of the same players are at work here.

Plus a lot of new players fooled by this theme of World Peace and Love. I know many will choose to disagree and will flame me, and toss insults. That is okay believe me because this isn't the time for it.   All I ask is you consider the following cast of players we know that Barack Obama is friends with or willing to become friendly with.

I am only going to list the names as all the evidence is easily seen if you read any of my posts, post by Joe
Downing, Joe Bucheri, JoAnne Green, and numerous others through out the many social networks, forums and discussions  and blogs you will know these names.

The Team that you are facing:

William Ayers
Bernadette Dohrn
Fidel Castro
Hugo Chavez
Louis Farrakhan
Muammar al Kaddafi
The Weather Underground
Nancy Palosi
Osama Bin Laden
The Muslim Brotherhood
The New Black Panthers
Malik Zulu Shabazz
Kim Jong-il
Sirhan Sirhan
Barney Franks
Harry Reid
Tony Rezko-Syrian
Reverend Jeremiah Wright
Cynthia Canary
Raila Odinga
Nadhami Auchi
M. Marzook
Allison Davis
James Meeks
Rashid Khalidi

Your Team is about to get it's ass kicked America and this is no video game.
Are we going down without a fight?

Obama is willing to talk with no pre-conditions.

He is surrendering.

Please consider these associations, their ideology and dogma when you are making up your mind. What you decide will be best for America and the World if you see these players all teamed up.

Playing against your children and grandchildren for generations to come.

"Dreams of My Father" and "Audacity of Hope"

Tells it all.

Vote not only with your hearts but with your minds and the impact on future generations.



Jim Allen III - Proud American

Peter Fogel - Proud American and Isareli

All Rights Reserved © 2008- must be published in it's entirety

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Re: Who Will RULE the World
11/3/2008 10:35:35 PM

Hi Jim,

Thanks for posting this here. A lot of food for thought I think and hopefully people will read it and give it some thought.

The worst part is that his associations are only the tip of the iceberg and many are failing to see that.

Right now we can hope and pray that the tide will turn today at the polls.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Re: Who Will RULE the World
11/3/2008 11:14:42 PM
Hello Jim,

I have copied your post in it's entirety and sent it to all my contacts.  Even if it changes only one person's mind it's worth the try. I love the way you show your patriotism. I'm proud to be your friend.

God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: Who Will RULE the World
11/3/2008 11:29:57 PM

Hello Gabby,

I hope it reaches many more, because I believe in America and our heritage. 

I refuse to accept the solutions offered by the presumed winner.  It cannot bode well for America. 

America must be able to stand as the Founding Fathers laid out for us. 

There is no other democracies in the world like America. 

Too many people depend on America's core values and so many have died for her, to be part of her and they all Believed in the Dream that America represents. 

I believe.

Thank You, Gaby.  You are a Real American,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: Who Will RULE the World
11/4/2008 9:50:57 AM
To everyone I know, please read carefully and be sure to watch the "third Jihad" film, the links below take you to several extremely interesting sites and it will awaken in you a desire to spread this word to all peace loving Americans...we better be wise in our voting or we may vote away many "freedoms" we now enjoy..see how Islam plans to destroy us from "within"
May God Bless America and you and your families,
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 11:38 AM
Subject: Obama Crash Course - An Open Letter: info all should know. Whatever
your views, I hope you will watch the following and think. Please pass this

Hi all!

I am re-sending this because I had to re-do it several times to get the
video links to work.

I feel it is very important that people truly understand the candidates
before voting.  Yes, I am strong McCain supporter.  I am not sending this to
you to say you should vote for him because I am.  I was a life-long Democrat
until 9/11, and would still vote for the Democrat candidate if I felt that
he/she were the better person.  Since 9/11, I have spent countless hours
researching events to inform myself. That horrible day seared me and woke me
up and remains vivid and fresh in my memory.  I still grieve for those
precious, terrified people and their families and friends who had them torn
away that day.  I needed to UNDERSTAND.  I never have my TV on anymore.
After 9/11, I quickly came to realize that the media is all biased and is
not presenting the facts.  I now search sources on the Internet from all
over the world to filter it to find the facts.  I read books.  I want to
KNOW what is real and what is going on.  What I have posted here are some of
the best sources of information I have found in my research on Obama as well
as our terrorist threat.  Obama is handsome, charming and a very charismatic
speaker, but most people, even his staunchest supporters, truly know very
little about him beyond media hype.  I am not trying to anger you who truly
love and admire him, I just ask you to clear your minds and to take the time
to look at the following.  You may still support him as strongly as you did
before starting, but you will at least understand why so many of us on the
McCain side feel as we do.  You may just delete this and not watch the
following.  You may feel anger at me for daring to send this and write me
off of your friend list.  I risk that, because I love our country, I love
you and I want us all to be safe in these dangerous times.

Emotions are high on both sides, our passions have been awakened.  We all
love our country and want it to be safe and have the things that are "wrong"
fixed.  The only real differences between us are that we have different
ideas of how to go about this.

The reason I have spent MANY hours compiling the following is that truly
very little is known about Obama by most people, unlike the other
candidates, including Hillary, who is an open book.  Obama remains vague.  I
have researched and searched the Internet to find what I consider to be the
most interesting and concise presentation of the facts.  Please question all
that you see, investigate further to seek the truth to satisfy yourself
before you cast your vote.  After watching these videos you will have a
deeper understanding of the man, Obama.  If you are still convinced that he
is the right man to be our President, then vote your conscience and feel
good about it, and you will be doing so with more information and facts at
your disposal than you had prior to watching.  I am not trying to convince
you to change your viewpoint, just ask that you have an open mind, cleared
of passion and emotion and process the information, then decide.  I wish the
media would do this, but they clutter it all up, bombard us with pundits and
editorials, slant it their way.  They manipulate us all, and I for one won't
tolerate being manipulated.


Obama Crash Course:


Obama info site:



Here are some great short films about the real threats we are facing from

The first is the 16 minute film 'Fitna" by the Dutch Member of Parliament,
Geert Wilders, warning us about the threat we face, and what is happening in
Holland.  He made this film in April 2008, knowing he would need life-long
protection against assassination for making it, and has since had a death
fatwa proclaimed against him by al Qaeda.  No TV stations or theaters would
air it, nor would YouTube, out of fear of the reactions from radical

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------   -A very good short film showing the threats we
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------    - Another good short film
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------,2933,335500,00.html   -This link lists the
foiled terrorist attempts since 9/11.

Here are some interviews with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the author of of the book
Infidel. She's a muslim Somali woman who underwent genital mutilation as a
child, who fled an arranged marriage to Holland, who went to the university
there and became a member of Parliament.  She made the film 'Submission'
with Theo VanGogh, which expressed the plight of women under Islam and for
which VanGogh was brutally murdered for "insulting" Islam.  She now lives
under 24 hour protection, (having had a death fatwa proclaimed against her
by Bin Laden for "insulting Islam" and for being an "Apostate"- someone who
has left the Islamic faith- for which the sentence in the QURAN=death), but
she continues to speak out, to warn the world.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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