Because of many scams and frauds on the web, it might be difficult for many internet-marketers and entrepreneurs to make their business successful on the web. Before you start your own e-commerce and marketing/advertising it on the web, you should study carefully the definition of “scam”. One of the best definition of scam you can find here:
It is very important, that following information is available on your website (not limited to):
-Your name and address : If you are not willing to publish your name, you should not start any business. Business is people, people are business.
-Contact email-address : Try to avoid common email addresses (gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc), you should register your own domain name and use personalized email-address.
-Terms of service and disclaimer: These are the rules and each customer can decide themselves if they want to do business with you.
-Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: Your customers can find answers to their questions about your business. Be honest with your answers!
-Product or Service: What is the product or service offered on the website? I don’t trust a website where I have to enter my name and email before I receive more information.
Doing business (online or offline) can be risky and it is always related with investments, either monetary and/or working time.
Teresa Hurni, CEO