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Teacher and Student Honored
11/2/2008 1:02:22 PM



This special message was just received from  BFA, Best Forum Award team.

Dear Mary,


                   You have just been awarded


                   AWARD OF APPRECIATION

                      "TEACHERS AWARD"

With teachers like you around, learning never ends    thank you for teaching us !!

Enjoy your award of one month's Adland membershipSmiley

We appreciate what you do here at Adland.

The BFA Team.


What a  special honor.  As I learned I was mearly sharing my experiences with others.  Thank  you Pauline and Joe for recognizing my work here in Adlandpro and your committee. 

 This award means more to me than you can realize. I am feeling very emotional right now.

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Flag of Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Teacher and Student Honored
11/2/2008 1:21:23 PM
Hi Mary,

This is really a special honor and you deserve it.

Congratulations. Enjoy it.

Warm regards,


Flag of John Partington

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Re: Teacher and Student Honored
11/2/2008 1:22:37 PM

Hi Mary,

This is well deserved as you are a pillar of this community, does this mean I don,t have to send you any money?

Best Wishes


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Flag of Bill Brown

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Re: Teacher and Student Honored
11/2/2008 1:40:07 PM

Hi Mary,

Congratulations.  This is a long  over due recognition  that you have earned and deserve.




Flag of Mary Hofstetter

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Person Of The Week
Re: Teacher and Student Honored
11/2/2008 1:45:37 PM

No John, I still need the money so I can go to Texas for the winter under the guise of going to Kenneth Swords concert.

By the way everything I know about marketing  I owe to you.  Well maybe not all, but most.

Thanks for your good wishes.


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