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Jim Allen

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Barack Hussein Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood Project
11/1/2008 1:25:45 AM






As-Salāmu `Alaykum
(السلام عليكم)

"Peace be upon you"


Barack Hussein Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood Project

In a previous blog entry I made certain comments about HOW Barack Hussein Obama got into and through Harvard and was challenged for evidence. Much of this information I have posted in my various blog entries before but here I present some of the direct evidence that Barack Hussein Obama has direct ties with the Islamic Ummah organization known as The Muslim Brotherhood Project here again. The last video below should a fairly good history of "The Project."

Using false claims of Racism etc. the Democratic leadership, the Obama Mania Media and the fast growing cult of Obamites have sought and largely succeeded in covering this information up and ridiculing anyone who looks into it. It is very possible that the United States of America is about to fulfill the dream of Sheik Al Bani by electing a member of the Project as president of these United States!

This is not racism, bigotry etc... This is the reality of the situation as Muslims throughout the globe know and confirm.

In the following video note the phrase, "we hope this is a clearance sale as they say in Egypt."  Egypt is the home of The Project and he is saying, IF Obama has to say something you (Muslims) don't like, don't worry, its just Taqiyya, a permissible lie to deceive the infidels.

In my opinion, President Kennedy was killed by the Bilderberg Group Elite because he tried to place the US back onto the Gold Standard not because of Dimona. Listen to the spin Kadaffi places though. This is an insight into what The Project wants and what they belief Barack Hussein Obama will do if elected. Colonel Kadaffi and other Muslim leaders are certain that Obama is merely using the justifications of Taqiyya (the Sharia ruling that permits deciet if it furthers the Umman and Deen of Islam), and that if elected he will work for The Project and their goals. I suspect he is correct!

Watch the full 7 minutes of this speech and you will learn what Barack Hussein Obama has in mind for America!

Members of the Project Know Obama is a Muslim,
and that he was born in Kenya and is one of them!

((youtube id="9bqW_OKeywk"))((/youtube))

Now, from the horse's own mouth, as they say, here is the evidence that Muslim Brotherhood Project placed Barack Hussein Obama not only in Harvard Law but oversaw his entire rise to power. Not the phrase, "this was even before he ran for anything" in the following video by this highly influential and committed Obama supporter and member of The Project:

((youtube id="4EcC0QAd0Ug"))((/youtube))

((youtube id="mB7_LvtvxTw"))((/youtube))

Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist with direct ties to the Saudi Royal family and the Egyptian base of the Muslim Brotherhood Project used his influence and his money (and clout) to get Barack Hussein Obama in and through Harvard.

Consider this investigative news story also. It includes the following:

"...Obama has refused to instruct Harvard Law School to release any information about his time there as a student, or about his student loans....

"At the time, Harvard cost around $25,000 a year, or $75,000 for the three years that Obama attended. And as president of the Harvard Law Review, he received no stipend from the school, Harvard spokesman Mike Armini said.

“That is considered a volunteer position,” Armini said. “There is no salary or grant associated with it.”

So if the figures cited by the Obama campaign for the Senator’s student loans are accurate, that means that Obama came up with more than $32,000 over three years from sources other than loans to pay for tuition, room and board.

Where did he find the money? Did it come from friends of Khalid Al Mansour? And why would a radical Muslim activist with ties to the Saudi royal family be raising money for Barack Obama?

That’s the question the Obama campaign still won’t answer...."

From another news source:

"Harvard Law School is notoriously difficult to get into. Annually, some 7,000 applications apply for some 500 seats. Applicant LSAT scores generally chart in the 98 to 99 percentile range, and GPAs average between 3.80 and 3.95.

If Obama's LSAT scores merited admission, we would know about them. We don't. The Obama camp guards those scores, like his SAT scores, more tightly that Iran does its nuclear secrets.

We know enough about Obama's Columbia grades to know how far they fall below the Harvard norm, likely even below the affirmative action-adjusted black norm at Harvard.

As far back as 1988, however, Obama had serious pull. He would need it. As previously reported, Khalid al-Mansour, principle adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, lobbied friends like Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton to intervene at Harvard on Obama's behalf.

An orthodox Muslim, al-Mansour has not met the crackpot anti-Semitic theory he could not embrace. As for bin Talal, in October 2001, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani sent his $10 million relief check back un-cashed after the Saudi billionaire blamed 9/11 on America."

And so on... There is plenty of evidence demonstrating that Obama got into Harvard with the help of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Because I previously posted so much about my belief that the attacks of 9-11 were as "Inside Job" I should add here that I still believe this as strongly as ever. The creators of the following good videos do not (I assume) understand this.

According to my sources within the Ummah and based on my research it is my belief that the Bush/Clinton Junta used The Project to carry out the surface appearance of the attacks (to fly the planes into the Twin Towers etc) in exchange for certain concessions and promises (some of which Bush later violated) but this is the topic for another entry.

For info on The Brotherhood itself, see my:,

Also See: THIS Front Page Story and several other sources. Simply Google "Muslim Brotherhood" and "Al Bani" for much more proof

((youtube id="tx0lqVZOnHw"))((/youtube))

Some Solid Information on the Muslim Brotherhood Project:

((youtube id="mB7_LvtvxTw"))((/youtube))

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood Project
11/1/2008 8:48:53 AM

Hi Jim,

Frightening stuff isn't it.

In past posts I've written that not all Muslims are terrorists but 99.9% of the terrorists are Muslim.

But the project or long term plan puts a completely different light on this whole issue. Unfortunately it is succeeding in many European countries and the next and most crucial part of the project is the USA. Will we let them succeed???? I hope not.

November 4th 2008 is a crucial and significant date and could be the turning point for the world as we know it today.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood Project
11/1/2008 11:25:05 AM

Aunt contributed to his campaign

Obama’s Immigration Bill Helps Community Organizers but Not His Illegal Alien Aunt Zeituni

 By Marinka Peschmann, Special to Canada Free Press   Saturday, November 1, 2008

imagePresidential hopeful Barack Obama’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, from Kenya is an illegal alien, according to the Associated Press. Onyango has been illegally living in public housing in Boston, after ignoring a deportation order from an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum four years ago. Obama’s Citizenship Promotion Act reported here, part of his comprehensive immigration reform, would not help his aunt either. 

Instead Obama’s immigration bill, S.795, gives U.S. $80 million to various community organizing groups to “organize the immigrant community,” to become U.S. Citizens with the right to vote. Historically, new immigrant voters tend to vote Democrat.  Obama’s bill helps legal immigrants, (green card holders), community organizers and Democratic party politicians.

Aside from not helping his aunt, Obama’s bill doesn’t help American’s either because it does not secure the borders or clean up the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, a bureaucracy that protects America’s national security but is riddled by corruption including bribe-taking, as it combats a 20-year backlog of applications from immigrants following America’s laws.

Onyango reportedly donated $260 to her nephew’s Presidential campaign putting herself in additional jeopardy—this time in violation of Federal Election laws. Only American citizens and permanent residents may lawfully contribute to candidate’s campaigns.

Obama affectionately refers to Onyango as “Aunti Zeituni” in his 1995 book, “Dreams From My Father,” that won the 2006 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album and was praised by Time Magazine as “the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician.”

Obama’s Citizenship Promotion Act was endorsed by The National Council of La Raza, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, the National Immigration Forum, the National Immigrant Justice Center, the Asian American Justice Center, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Legal Momentum, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, and the Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition.

Obama Says He Didn’t Know Aunt’s Illegal Status

The Illinois senator’s aunt has been residing in Boston public housing since her request for asylum was denied four years ago.

CHICAGO—Barack Obama said Saturday he was unaware that one of his relatives from Kenya was living in the United States illegally and added that believes the appropriate laws should be followed.

The Associated Press reported Friday that Obama’s aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya.

The woman, Zeituni Onyango is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama’s late father.


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Marinka Peschmann is a freelance writer. She’s collaborated and contributed on books ranging from showbiz to true crime and politics.
She may be reached at:

Marinka Peschmann, Special to Canada Free Press most recent columns
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What's New On CFP:
  1. Mighty Marxists from Little Acorns Grow!
  2. Illegal Alien Fugitives Nailed in Pennylvania. Delaware and New Jersey
  3. Obama’s Immigration Bill Helps Community Organizers but Not His Illegal Alien Aunt Zeituni
  4. Metcalfe Authors Legislation Requiring Presidential Candidates to Prove United States Citizenship
  5. McCain’s Honor
  6. What Do The Democrats Have Against Women?
  7. The “Social Justice” of
the Marxist Messiah
  8. This Is What a Vote for Obama Gets You
  9. My dear friends throughout the World, be you Christian or Jew.
  10. A tribute to veterans I thought you would like
  12. Infants Born Alive During Abortions Left to Die: ‘It Does Happen’
  13. Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution
  14. Rashid Khalidi’s Appointment at Columbia University
  15. Hillary Camp Assails Obama Anti-Palin Ad
  16. Hooks and Pincers
  17. No Jewels in Crowns
  18. Uncork the Competition
  19. Obama and the Potential Blackmail Factor
  20. YOU could be Funding the Obama Campaign?
  21. Limbaugh Predicts McCain Victory
  22. Obama: Love him or…..he’ll throw you off the plane
  23. America Is Better Than All That
  24. And the survey says…
  25. US Anti-Money Laundering Efforts Improving
  26. Boots Alleged Conservative Reporters Off His Campaign Plane
  27. Ads on Craigslist Include “Sex for Tickets” to Obama Rally!
  28. Assigning blame for Fannie and Freddie
  29. To socialism, moral downfall, exposure and danger to our enemies and economic ruin!
  30. Tito the Builder slammed Barack Obama and especially the mainstream media on Hannity and Colmes.
  31. Iran Has Potential WMD Capabilities, Reports Say
  32. The Right to Health in Zimbabwe suffering a heavy blow
  33. We Can Win The Election, It’s Up To You
  34. Code Pink could be red alert that election’s not in the bag for Obama
  35. Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said: Barack Obama’s Good Friends
  36. Voting for the wealth creation America needs
  37. Christian Anti-Defamation Commission Challenges Obama Christianity Claims
  38. Ford Flexes its Marketing Muscles with New Crossover
  39. Government, Business, Threatens Drivers’ Freedom
  40. Big Media Pull Out All Stops to Elect Obama

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Views are those of authors and not necessarily those of Canada Free Press. Content is Copyright 2008 the individual authors.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood Project
11/1/2008 11:28:28 AM

State of Illinois; a working model that illustrates the consequences of a government run by the Progressive-Left

This Is What a Vote for Obama Gets You

 By Frank Salvato  Saturday, November 1, 2008

I live in Illinois, just outside of Chicago. I live in the state that incubated the political career of Barack Obama and for that, as a resident of the State of Illinois and a conservative, I apologize. But this puts me in a unique position to afford you a glimpse of things to come for our nation should Barack Obama attain the Oval Office, and especially if Democrats maintain or increase their control in Congress. I present to the citizens of the United States the State of Illinois; a working model that illustrates the consequences of a government run by the Progressive-Left.

In 2003, five short years ago, the State of Illinois went blue; not light blue or royal blue but Daley Machine, Chicago Democrat, Progressive-Left cobalt blue. For decades our state existed in a symbiotic political state; the Daley Machine Chicago Democrats controlling Cook County and most of the lesser “urban areas” and the Illinois GOP holding sway in the collar counties and rural areas. But the failure (and I believe cowardice) of Republican Governor George Ryan to take one for the party by stepping down before he was convicted of corruption, ushered in a dark era of Progressive-Left, Democrat political control in Illinois. Democrats now hold all statewide offices and control both houses of the legislature. This being said, everything that has happened since 2003 is attributable to Democrat and Progressive-Left action and leadership.

The governor of the State of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, has an approval rating of 4 percent. Rasmussen Reports ranks Blagojevich as the country’s least popular governor. He is embroiled in the Tony Rezko/Stuart Levine corruption probe. Levine pled guilty and Rezko was convicted for scheming to obtain kickbacks from investment firms seeking business from two state boards. The governor’s wife, Patricia, was a business partner of Rezko. Of course, we know the name Tony Rezko from his shady relationship with Barack Obama.


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He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention.

Frank Salvato most recent columns
To reprint article, permission of the writer is required. Please email us at

What's New On CFP:
  1. Mighty Marxists from Little Acorns Grow!
  2. Illegal Alien Fugitives Nailed in Pennylvania. Delaware and New Jersey
  3. Obama’s Immigration Bill Helps Community Organizers but Not His Illegal Alien Aunt Zeituni
  4. Metcalfe Authors Legislation Requiring Presidential Candidates to Prove United States Citizenship
  5. McCain’s Honor
  6. What Do The Democrats Have Against Women?
  7. The “Social Justice” of
the Marxist Messiah
  8. This Is What a Vote for Obama Gets You
  9. My dear friends throughout the World, be you Christian or Jew.
  10. A tribute to veterans I thought you would like
  12. Infants Born Alive During Abortions Left to Die: ‘It Does Happen’
  13. Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution
  14. Rashid Khalidi’s Appointment at Columbia University
  15. Hillary Camp Assails Obama Anti-Palin Ad
  16. Hooks and Pincers
  17. No Jewels in Crowns
  18. Uncork the Competition
  19. Obama and the Potential Blackmail Factor
  20. YOU could be Funding the Obama Campaign?
  21. Limbaugh Predicts McCain Victory
  22. Obama: Love him or…..he’ll throw you off the plane
  23. America Is Better Than All That
  24. And the survey says…
  25. US Anti-Money Laundering Efforts Improving
  26. Boots Alleged Conservative Reporters Off His Campaign Plane
  27. Ads on Craigslist Include “Sex for Tickets” to Obama Rally!
  28. Assigning blame for Fannie and Freddie
  29. To socialism, moral downfall, exposure and danger to our enemies and economic ruin!
  30. Tito the Builder slammed Barack Obama and especially the mainstream media on Hannity and Colmes.
  31. Iran Has Potential WMD Capabilities, Reports Say
  32. The Right to Health in Zimbabwe suffering a heavy blow
  33. We Can Win The Election, It’s Up To You
  34. Code Pink could be red alert that election’s not in the bag for Obama
  35. Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said: Barack Obama’s Good Friends
  36. Voting for the wealth creation America needs
  37. Christian Anti-Defamation Commission Challenges Obama Christianity Claims
  38. Ford Flexes its Marketing Muscles with New Crossover
  39. Government, Business, Threatens Drivers’ Freedom
  40. Big Media Pull Out All Stops to Elect Obama

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Views are those of authors and not necessarily those of Canada Free Press. Content is Copyright 2008 the individual authors.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood Project
11/1/2008 11:48:34 AM

Biggest swindle in American history

Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution

 By Joan Swirsky  Saturday, November 1, 2008

On February 10, 2007, Senator Barack Obama stood outside the Old State Capitol building in Illinois and announced his intention to run for the presidency.

“I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness, a certain audacity, to this announcement,” Obama said. “I know I haven’t spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington. But I’ve been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change.”

Of course, that depends on what his definition of “been there long enough” is. Actually, after he took office in November 2004, he spent a total of 143 days “on the job” – the number of days the senate was in session – before beginning his campaign for President of the United States. So now we know that, to Obama, “been there long enough” means that four months and change is quite enough preparation to be not only president but also the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, chief executive of the federal government, and leader of the free world.

At least he got the “audacity” part right.

In responding to disparagement from his opponents about the three years he spent as a community organizer in Chicago, Obama explained – with startlingly unselfconscious narcissism – that it was a good preparation for the top job in the world because it helped in “understanding where I’m coming from, who I believe in, who I’m fighting for and why I’m in this race.”

“They haven’t talked about the fact that I was a civil rights lawyer;” Obama added. “They haven’t talked about the fact that I taught constitutional law…”

Okay, let’s talk about that, especially because it is on the basis of a Constitutional challenge that Obama was sued by lawyer Philip J. Berg. In short, Berg has insisted that Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen, was possibly born on foreign soil to an American mother and Kenyan father, may hold dual American-Indonesian citizenship, and therefore does meet the eligibility requirements that are spelled out in exquisite detail in the United States Constitution. He asked that Obama’s name be removed from the ballot.

Berg’s case was dismissed on October 24 by Judge Barclay Surrick, but he promptly took the case before Judge David Souter of the Supreme Court, whose disposition is anticipated before the election on Tuesday, November 4 If no judgment is rendered, Berg anticipates that if Obama is elected, a Constitutional crisis will ensue. At this point, numerous citizens throughout the country have petitioned their own courts to disqualify Obama.


Well, I ask, what part of the Constitution did Obama not “get”?

In the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, it states: No person except a natural born citizen or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

Title 8 of the U.S. Code explains what “natural born citizen” means:

  • Anyone born inside the United States.
  • Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person’s status as a citizen of the tribe.
  • Anyone born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
  • Anyone born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national.
  • Anyone born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year.
  • Anyone found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21.
  • Anyone born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time).
  • A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.
    Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President. These provisions allow the children of military families to be considered natural-born. For example, separate sections of the U.S. Code address territories that the United States has acquired over time, such as Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. And the law contains one other section about the Panama Canal Zone and the nation of Panama. It states that anyone born in the Canal Zone or in Panama itself, on or after February 26, 1904, to a mother and/or father who is a United States citizen, was “declared” to be a United States citizen.

    Because this section doesn’t carry the words “natural-born” or “citizen at birth,” this became an issue for Sen. John McCain when he ran for president in 2000. But that issue was resolved when it was found that McCain was considered a natural-born citizen under 8 USC 1401(c): “a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person.

    If Obama meets the above criteria, then why has he still not produced a certifiably authentic birth certificate?


    Selwyn Duke, in the American Thinker, writes, “Leftists…could attempt to change the Constitution so that it reflects their agenda, but this is a long, drawn-out, difficult process that requires, of all things, actual public support for your aims. And it’s easier to change the courts – and install `ideological’ justices who will impose left-wing orthodoxy from the bench – than the will of the subjects. Consider that liberals are ever trying to destroy tradition, as it stands in the way of progressivism. Consider that a consistent definition of liberalism – one that epitomizes the modern left (those progressives) – involves the desire to change the status quo. So what it means is that, by definition, a liberal who understands the Constitution cannot believe in it.”

    Aha! So that is why Obama told an NPR radio interviewer in 2001 that the Warren Court did not “break free from the essential constraints” found in the Constitution and therefore one of the “tragedies” of the civil rights movement was that “the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth...”

    Upon hearing a tape of the interview, Ed Morrissey of CaptainsQuarters blog fame, “The government does not exist to determine the acceptable level of wealth of its individual citizens. For government to assume that role, it would have to end private property rights and assume all property belonged to the State. That is classic Marxism. Barack Obama complains that the Constitution is a `charter of negative liberties.’ That’s because the Constitution was intended as a limiting document, to curtail the power of the federal government vis-à-vis the states and the individual. Barack Obama wants to reverse that entirely. And that’s radical change you’d better believe in, or else.”

    Rush Limbaugh also weighed in: “Barack Obama calls himself a `constitutional professor’ or a `constitutional scholar.’ In truth, Barack Obama was an anti-constitutionalist professor. He studied the Constitution and he flatly rejected it.  He doesn’t like the Constitution. He thinks it is flawed. Now I understand why he was so reluctant to wear the American flag lapel pin….he says that the Constitution `is a charter of negative liberties. This is nothing short of a condemnation of the Constitution, and he calls himself a professor. The greatest government, the freest society in the history of the world, and Professor Obama calls it a charter of negative liberties!  To me, ladies and gentlemen, the Constitution is a gift of God.  The Constitution is not a disappointment.  It’s a blessing.  What kind of person does not understand the purpose and meaning of a document written by the greatest defenders of liberty the world has ever known? Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Washington, Hamilton – they created a charter of negative liberties?”

    In the same radio interview, Obama said: “I think we can say that, uh, uh, the Constitution reflected a enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day and—and, uh,—and, uh, that the framers had that same blind spot.”

    “This is how he views the Supreme Court,” Limbaugh railed. “And he will have the power to populate it with people who believe in those very things. How is he going to place his hand on the Bible and swear that he, Barack Hussein Obama, will uphold the Constitution that he feels reflects the nation’s fundamental flaw?”

    It is now no wonder that Obama has refused to provide his birth certificate! He wants to circumvent the Constitution and, by so doing, “prove” that it’s a fundamentally flawed document, worthy of the efforts he and his radical far-left acolytes will lead to challenge every Amendment in the Bill of Rights, including: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition, and the prohibition against depriving any citizen of life, liberty, and property, et al.


    In April of this year, a number of Obama’s congressional supporters – including Gov. Claire McCaskill (D-MOi), Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and Sen. James Webb (D-VA) –proposed and passed a Resolution (S.Res.511) entitled: Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.


    This was the Resolution:

    · Whereas the Constitution of the United States requires that, to be eligible for the Office of the President, a person must be a `natural born Citizen’ of the United States;

    · Whereas the term `natural born Citizen’, as that term appears in Article II, Section 1, is not defined in the Constitution of the United States;

    · Whereas there is no evidence of the intention of the Framers or any Congress to limit the constitutional rights of children born to Americans serving in the military nor to prevent those children from serving as their country’s President;

    · Whereas such limitations would be inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the `natural born Citizen’ clause of the Constitution of the United States, as evidenced by the First Congress’s own statute defining the term `natural born Citizen’;

    · Whereas the well-being of all citizens of the United States is preserved and enhanced by the men and women who are assigned to serve our country outside of our national borders;

    · Whereas previous presidential candidates were born outside of the United States of America and were understood to be eligible to be President; and

    · Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it

    · Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United Calendar No. 715110th CONGRESS2d SessionS. RES. 511RESOLUTION Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.April 24, 2008. Reported without amendment States.

    Just how dumb do McCaskill and Obama & Co. think the American people are? Here they attempt to create a blanket Resolution that says ALL foreign-born candidates are eligible for the U.S. presidency, when in fact McCain did not need this Resolution and neither did Bill Richardson when he ran for president this year. In fact, to my knowledge no presidential nominee in American history has ever needed a Resolution of this kind until Obama – who has still not produced a valid birth certificate! – entered the race.

    So why this weird Resolution? Clearly so Obama could circumvent the Constitution he finds so distasteful.

    According to Raymond S. Kraft, an attorney and writer: “The president, The Supreme Court justices, and all members of Congress, have taken an oath to defend and protect the Constitution and have an affirmative duty to protect the Constitution by doing whatever is necessary to insure that presidential (and congressional) candidates meet the Constitutional requirements for the offices they seek. It is a mandatory duty, and failure to do so violate their oaths of office. If they don’t follow this oath in Obama’s case, it will be the biggest swindle in American history, allowing Obama and the DNC to have concealed his true identity and lack of citizenship, thereby conning Democrats out of hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign contributions. If justice is served, dozens of `leading’ Democrats should go to prison for fraud.”

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    Joan Swirsky is an award winning author and journalist. Her work can be found at [url=][/url]

    Joan can be reached at

    Joan Swirsky most recent columns
    To reprint article, permission of the writer is required. Please email us at

  • What's New On CFP:
    1. Mighty Marxists from Little Acorns Grow!
    2. Illegal Alien Fugitives Nailed in Pennylvania. Delaware and New Jersey
    3. Obama’s Immigration Bill Helps Community Organizers but Not His Illegal Alien Aunt Zeituni
    4. Metcalfe Authors Legislation Requiring Presidential Candidates to Prove United States Citizenship
    5. McCain’s Honor
    6. What Do The Democrats Have Against Women?
    7. The “Social Justice” of
the Marxist Messiah
    8. This Is What a Vote for Obama Gets You
    9. My dear friends throughout the World, be you Christian or Jew.
    10. A tribute to veterans I thought you would like
    12. Infants Born Alive During Abortions Left to Die: ‘It Does Happen’
    13. Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution
    14. Rashid Khalidi’s Appointment at Columbia University
    15. Hillary Camp Assails Obama Anti-Palin Ad
    16. Hooks and Pincers
    17. No Jewels in Crowns
    18. Uncork the Competition
    19. Obama and the Potential Blackmail Factor
    20. YOU could be Funding the Obama Campaign?
    21. Limbaugh Predicts McCain Victory
    22. Obama: Love him or…..he’ll throw you off the plane
    23. America Is Better Than All That
    24. And the survey says…
    25. US Anti-Money Laundering Efforts Improving
    26. Boots Alleged Conservative Reporters Off His Campaign Plane
    27. Ads on Craigslist Include “Sex for Tickets” to Obama Rally!
    28. Assigning blame for Fannie and Freddie
    29. To socialism, moral downfall, exposure and danger to our enemies and economic ruin!
    30. Tito the Builder slammed Barack Obama and especially the mainstream media on Hannity and Colmes.
    31. Iran Has Potential WMD Capabilities, Reports Say
    32. The Right to Health in Zimbabwe suffering a heavy blow
    33. We Can Win The Election, It’s Up To You
    34. Code Pink could be red alert that election’s not in the bag for Obama
    35. Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said: Barack Obama’s Good Friends
    36. Voting for the wealth creation America needs
    37. Christian Anti-Defamation Commission Challenges Obama Christianity Claims
    38. Ford Flexes its Marketing Muscles with New Crossover
    39. Government, Business, Threatens Drivers’ Freedom
    40. Big Media Pull Out All Stops to Elect Obama

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    Views are those of authors and not necessarily those of Canada Free Press. Content is Copyright 2008 the individual authors.

    May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

    Jim Allen III
    Skype: JAllen3D
    Everything You Need For Online Success


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