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Peter James

14 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
10/31/2008 3:04:25 PM

Has anyone seen anyhing better than this, your friend Peter James

** Special Message To Recent Asantae Members **

All I can say is WOW!  I have never had so much success with
signups.  You can too!

Why?  You have signed up with the Right Company at the
Right Time!

Don't take the Asantae business lightly - have you seen it all over
the internet like other opportunities?  I don't think so, because we
are just rolling out and NOW is YOUR chance to get in ahead of
the pack and enroll new businesses!

Use you Asantae URL and get the word out.  Below is a sample
ad I have used to numerous signups, pre-enrollees and upgraded
members: AD HEADLINE:  The Next HOT New Trend!

AD COPY:  Would you like a Guaranteed Check without having
to sponsor anyone?  Would you like EVERY New Person
to go under YOU?  Would you like to get started for FREE? 
I'll show you how and you'll like what you see!

Please feel f*ree to contact me if you have questions.
I look forward to helping you build your businesses.


Peter James.
