Matthew 27:39-42
By Rev. Dean Beaty 10/30/08
They nailed Christ to the cross with its agony and shame.
Mocking and reviling as they cursed His holy name.
The chief priest and the elders would not His truth receive.
In mocking made this challenge, “Come down, then we’ll believe.”
Would they have believed Him had He come down from the cross?
Or said, “He was a strong man who refused to suffer loss.”
They had seen Him feed five-thousand with just five loaves of bread.
They saw Him cure diseases and raise Lazarus from the dead.
They needed no more proof that this was Gods’ own Son.
In jealousy and hatred they thought that they had won.
“Now this rebel rouser will not threaten us again.”
Even as he bled and died to forgive them of their sin.
What will it take for you to confess Him as your Lord?
He who loves you so and for you His blood outpoured.
Will you ask Christ to forgive you and cleanse your heart from sin?
He has promised to forgive you and you’ll be born again.