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Bogdan Fiedur

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The faster you go, the more chance there is..
1/14/2005 9:58:38 AM
“The faster you go, the more chance there is of stubbing your toe, but the more chances you have of getting somewhere.” – Charles Kettering
Monty Loree

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Re: The faster you go, the more chance there is..
1/14/2005 10:23:14 AM
Yes... I've stubbed my toes so many times, I've had to replace them with new titanium toes. Here's my thoughts on that... Spend some time thinking about where you're going. Plan where you're going. Don't just go for the sake of going. Once you've got you clear plan in place... Then go fast..
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Spirit Dove Durand

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Re: The faster you go, the more chance there is..
1/14/2005 11:28:02 AM
I like this one. Slow and steady wins the race comes to mind. It is much easier on the toes. (smiling) I say just keep looking forward and go step by step. It seems more enjoyable that way at least for me. Donna J
Spirit Dove Durand Master Artist
Re: The faster you go, the more chance there is..
1/14/2005 12:00:47 PM
I beleive you must: Live your life now, enjoy, think positive, be positive, act positive, give positive energy and you shall receive positive energy. We are destined to be happy, too many people think, when I have achieved this or that or when I get that job or when I can buy that house, then I'll be totally happy. Wrong, you should be happy now and when you reach another goal in your life then be happier. Since I started living my life this way, I have never been happier, and of course I have my days which are not so good, but, I don't mind, I am happy, healthy, financially ok, I have friends and I have a business I enjoy. I am thankful to be alive (and kicking) in this world. Sharon
Re: The faster you go, the more chance there is..
1/14/2005 1:19:46 PM
Speed may be less important - just keep on moving, because success is not a destination, but the journey itself :) Robert
"All the knowledge and wealth we may gain in a lifetime are just worthless if we do not use them to make this Planet a much better place for all living beings!"

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