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Thomas Richmond

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To Know Ones Self
10/24/2008 5:15:19 PM

Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times! Ephesians 5:16 (MSG)

Why is it that time drags when you want it to pass quickly and flies when you need more of it? It’s not very cooperative!

Time is the great equalizer. We all have the same amount of it. The difference between successful people and average people is this: Achievers manage their time wisely. Rather than wasting time or spending time, they invest time. They make the most out of each moment.

In these difficult days, people are realizing that time is more important than money. Money is a renewable resource - there are always places to get more of it.

But time is a limited resource.

You only have a certain allotment of time in your life. When it's used up ... that’s it! YOUR TIME IS YOUR LIFE.

When you give someone your money, you’ve given them something that you can replace. But when you give someone your time, you've given them a part of your life. This means time management is really “life management.”

The Bible has this to say: “Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times! Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants” (Ephesians 5:15b-17 MSG).

You could summarize these verses this way:

1. Analyze Your Lifestyle. Be aware of where your time is going.

2. Utilize The Present. Make the most of this moment.

3. Recognize What’s Important. Focus on priorities that last.

A question to consider throughout the day: “How much of what I’m doing right now is going to count ten years from now … 50 years from now … or for eternity?”

You have just enough time to fulfill God’s purpose for your life. If you can’t get it all done it means:

1. You’re doing things God never intended for you to do, or

2. You’re doing the right thing in the wrong way.

Prayer: “God, help me to manage my time wisely this day and everyday ahead.”    God_bless you members :)

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Jen Maxwell

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Re: To Know Ones Self
10/24/2008 5:28:24 PM

Hi Thomas,

Wise words - thank you.

Have a Blessed weekend,


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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: To Know Ones Self
10/24/2008 6:15:35 PM
Hi Thomas,

Good advise.  I would like to add:  Love everything you are doing, make it fun doesn't matter what you do, do in LOVE

Myrna sending LOVE

Thomas Richmond

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Re: To Know Ones Self
10/24/2008 6:33:17 PM
Thank you Myrna and Jen the love! Good adding by the way Myrna you know we cant get enough of that love :) one personal note, in business terms; God has made a personal niche for each and everyone who breaths on earth. Its up to you to find it :) God_bless you members :)
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Nick Sym

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Re: To Know Ones Self
10/25/2008 1:19:21 AM
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