Seven Ways to "Obama-Proof" Your Portfolio
Ann Coulter
P.S. My friend Dr. Mark Skousen has just identified 7 "Obama-Proof" investments to help you survive -- and thrive -- if and when "The One We Have Been Waiting For" ascends to the presidency. It's all part of a FREE Investor's Dossier Dr. Skousen has prepared called "Obamanomics and Your Money." I urge you to read it below...
Do you know which special interest has given more money to the Obama campaign than any other?
If you guessed "trial lawyers" -- well, okay, that's too easy. But can you guess which special interest came in second?
Labor unions? Nope. The Green Lobby? Nope. AARP? Wrong, again. NEA? Nyet.
Give up? Okay, here's the answer: Wall Street.
That's right. According to, Wall Street securities and investment firms have given over $35 million to Democratic candidates this election cycle. And the amount they've given to the Obama campaign is nearly five times the amount they've given to McCain.
If you've been wondering why the financial industry has been in meltdown -- and taking your
401(k) or investment portfolio down with it -- now you know.
Let's face it: The former frat boys who populate Wall Street today understand economics about as well as the pinko professors whose courses they snored through.
That's why betting their entire industry on "subprime" loans to people with no jobs and no collateral made sense to them -- and why betting the entire U.S. economy on the likes of Hillary and Obama makes sense to them now.
Seven Ways to "Obama-Proof" Your Portfolio
As you'll see in your FREE copy of Obamanomics & Your Money, the best way to survive -- and thrive -- financially during an Obama presidency is to profit from areas of the globe whose booming growth doesn't depend on what's happening with the U.S. economy.
After all, as the developing world keeps on, well, developing, why should your money stay here at home, under the thumb of a big-government Democrat like Barack Obama?
The seven specific "Obama-Proof" investments you'll find in Obamanomics & Your