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Mary Hofstetter

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A Lesson on Walking through Autumn
10/21/2008 8:50:21 PM

Last Saturday a group of walkers assembled at Kendricks Woods, a park which is part of the Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District of Lima Ohio. It was a cool crisp sunny day and we looked forward to a brisk jaunt in the park.

The naturalist began by telling us about Wild Boars in our county. Pigs that get loose from a farmers pen and wander off will revert to being a wild pig in just a few weeks. The other pig seen in the area escaped from an exotic animal farm and is quite vicious. We know them as razor back pigs.

That warning having been given we proceeded on our walk on trail and walkways. At one point the naturlist shouted out, "loose board on the bridge", and we shouted it out to the people at the back of the line.

It came to me that just as in the child's game "telephone" the message could have become quite interesting. It could have become " Loose Boar on the bridge" or "boar on the trail". We all had a good laugh over that.

So why do I tell this story. Tame pigs unattended revert back to being wild pigs growing tusks and thick hair much like the razor back pig.

Your business unattended will become less than you would like to have it be with you being in danger of failure to control natural forces. Can you neglect doing all that needs to be done to promote it? Will your associates develope without intervention on your part.

Your business needs constant tending to. Successful management requires keeping your eyes on the goal. Don't let anyone tell you that your business will grow while you sleep, ignore advertising, just let them promote and they will build your business.

©Mary Hofstetter 10-23-08

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Moderate walking keeps us mobile as we walk. It is also known as a stress buster and helps us lose weight. All three are good management techniques for dealing with arthritis. For other tips visit

Nick Grimshawe

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Re: A Lesson on Walking through Autumn
10/21/2008 9:30:13 PM
Hi Mary,

I really enjoyed your story and had no idea where you were going with it. I started smiling when you went back to the fact that a pig will revert in only a few weeks in the wild. Linking that to businesses practices make absolute sense and very clever on your part.

You are right of course. Unattending your downline will revert! Don't let that happen!
Pay attention!

Thanks for packaging the message so wonderfully.

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: A Lesson on Walking through Autumn
10/22/2008 8:53:13 AM

Good Morning Nick,

How are you this fine fall day.  I am writing in orange in celebration of the beautiful display of nature's splendor.

Nature has much to tell us.  I am going to write a forum  thread(s) someday about some of the plants that tell stories. Of course the butterfly is one of the great teachers.  The American Indians based their stories upon their surroundings---the acts and creatures  of nature.

Like you, I was shocked to learn that pigs, left to roam revert back to the wild state.

A compliment from you on an original writing is appreciated.  Thanks and have a good a GREAT DAY! ! ! !

Jen Maxwell

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Re: A Lesson on Walking through Autumn
10/22/2008 12:19:03 PM

Hi Mary,

Very clever binding the domestic to wild pigs into lack
of looking after ones business!

Everyone needs to tend their business like a garden.
Plant the seeds, nuture them and watch them grow.
Same with the people who joined your business, and
the other part of a successful business is, follow up,
follow up, follow up.

Thank you for posting this interesting forum.

Have a grand day,


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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: A Lesson on Walking through Autumn
10/25/2008 10:28:34 PM
Jen, I very much like your comparison to a garden.  Gardens take constant tending to.  Go on vacation for 2 weeks and come back to find it has dried up, grown out control and reverted back to weeds.  So we tend our downline like a garden.