By Dean Beaty 10/20/08
Have you ever tried to ignore an itch?
It can drive your nerves to a fevered pitch.
Maybe if I wait it will pass away.
But then I go head and scratch it anyway.
I tried so very hard, that itching to ignore.
But with that approach it bugs me all the more.
Oh, for some relief I desperately pined.
The problem is enough to make one lose their mind.
When it comes at night, it can cause such strife.
Sometimes all my wiggling wakes my sleeping wife.
It’s so hard to stop it makes the whole bed jiggle.
I have a new pet name; she calls me “Mr. Wiggle.”
With calamine lotion spread all o’er my face.
I try to keep my hands in a quiet place.
She thinks that I am nuts or I’ve popped my cork.
It really is a critter with a hot pitch fork.