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Neil Sperling

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try again - "What does all this mean?"
10/18/2008 11:00:23 AM

Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Re: try again - "What does all this mean?"
10/18/2008 11:09:57 AM

I should have noted this is a NON business link - - NON political link - - Non Commercial Link......... just an incredible look at technology and our fast changing world. What does it all mean? --- You tell me!!!
Jen Maxwell

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Re: try again - "What does all this mean?"
10/18/2008 11:10:01 AM

Hi Neil,

Very interesting times we live in.  Sometimes I sit down and
think about all the technological and other advances brought
to me since my birth.  Astounding to say the least.

Have a great weekend,


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Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Re: try again - "What does all this mean?"
10/18/2008 11:11:52 AM

Jen - Thanks for your comment - -  -  yip - these are amazing times..... confusing, exciting, scary, enlightening and fun too!
Thomas Richmond

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Re: try again - "What does all this mean?"
10/18/2008 11:37:17 AM
Okay Niel, in keeping up with the times, this means what you just saw is a one action word (progress), as we evolve when years pass us by there will always be changes, dreams and new communities, its just going to get bigger, as life of a wild animal or a baby child and yes even natural disasters as planned long before, sometimes human nature gets way to involved with the small things that God created for us that we forget why things happen for a reason, so we tend to create an even bigger problem of the worlds state of evolution thus not making any (progress) at all. I would be thankful and grateful for what you have and what is about to come, be always on guard with your heart and keep a good faith based recognition of your life. So i ranted a little, sue me LOL. God_bless you Neil and Thanks :) Enjoy your weekend my friend. At your service Thomas
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