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Jim Allen

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Someone please tell me why this man has 15 pages of BS in our children's School books? What leftist organization decided to focus on this Socialist, in our education system?!!!!
10/14/2008 8:47:42 AM

October 13, 2008

Racine schools hand out textbook with 15 page Obama love-fest...

This comes from the mother of a Racine Unified School District 8th grader. She has asked to keep her name out of this but frankly I can't add much to what she has said here but I do have one question. Did the teacher give equal time and a fair discussion about John McCain and his "life of service"? I think I already know the answer to that question. This is not education folks, this is indoctrination.


Someone please tell me why this man has 15 pages of BS in our children's School books? What leftist organization decided to focus on this Socialist, in our education system?!!!!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: Someone please tell me why this man has 15 pages of BS in our children's School books? What leftist organization decided to focus on this Socialist, in our education system?!!!!
10/14/2008 10:12:21 AM

For the past 20 months or so we have been bombarded with rhetoric.  Now we find that Barrak Obama has already been added to the lesson books of our children.  This is nothing less than indoctrination of our own children into a belief system our forefathers wished to Prevent and definitely not supported in our constitution.

I am willing to bet most of Obama's supporters have no clue what his real opinion of us all is.  Watch this and you will have no doubt that the pretty face, good manners and oratory abilities have clouded their/YOUR judgement.  This man is not your saviour.  He mocks you ... watch

This morning on the news I learned that a teacher of a FIRST grade class, took students on a field trip to City Hall.  Normally not a bad idea to show our children the workings of City Hall and our government.  In reality the teacher was being married to her same sex partner in a Gay Marriage!  Now in my view this is just wrong!  However the leftwing pundits are OK with this as it is teaching tolerance.  BULLS**T !   That's my opinion!  What's yours?

This report is from the Family Research Council in Washington D.C. Parents report that their parental rights to prior notification of same-sex-education was denied - BECAUSE, same-sex-marriage is legal in Massachusetts - and legal makes it normal and right. This father ended up in handcuffs and in jail.

Is this really what you want, someone else teaching your children right from wrong, no matter what your personal and religous beliefs are? 

If it is then be sure to vote for Obama on November 4th and prepare to welcome the new regime into the world and pray that God will understand.




May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Joe Downing

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Re: Someone please tell me why this man has 15 pages of BS in our children's School books? What leftist organization decided to focus on this Socialist, in our education system?!!!!
10/14/2008 11:59:11 AM


THANK YOU for informing me of this (these) matters.  Sometimes I wish there was no news, but that would be like living in a dark room with no lights, but 20/20 vision.

I am by no means the one who can make sense of this type of stuff, but I do take some quiet time and reflect upon them as my nerves will allow me too and try to understand "why".  Sometimes it is like getting caught in the rain.  We tend to make a mad dash to our car because we don't want to get wet!  But, that morning, we took a shower and washed our clothes in... water?  LOL!!!  Nothing changed except where and how we were to get re-wetted! :)

I have found all over the world, groups of people that have become self proclaimed experts in wisdom.  In their hope to be noticed or claim some fame or to "win" at something without a proper indoctrination of experience to justify the act, overwhelms those who have.  Why are so many people desperate to change everything and everybody else... but themselves? 

I agree with all the mantras of this election season that we do need CHANGE.  But, one should sit down and reflect upon what CHANGE will mean to them and their family's futures.   I for one venture back into history for the sake of seeking advice from those who got us here where we are today.  It is always easy to look at the past and make judgement against those characters who created it, but one can see the direction of change that they each brought with their efforts.  Yes, some not so good, but most was.  Why?  Because most agreed on the one principle in all decisions... make OUR future a better today so that yesterday will not be regretted.

Today, we have a new type of character.  Those that simply think of their individual futures.   They expect and demand "tolerance", but they give not it back.   They tend to not think about the effects that come from their actions.  Ah, those that do not understand history.  An old Gaelic proverb, if you will...

The value of the well is not known until it goes dry.

I love to read those old Gaelic proverbs.  Those people were so in touch with life.  Here is maybe some better ones to explain my reasoning to our current situation in society... about change.

A little hole will sink a big ship.


A patch is better than a hole.

What is on the verge of being written in our country's history, has all ready been written in others.  Why must we go through the same process of drilling a hole and then patching it back up later?

Maybe I have it all wrong, but a little voice in my head is screaming loudly, "Change is not the solution, REFORM IS!" 

There is so much wisdom forgotten, which is why it continues to be rewritten.



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Jim Allen

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Re: Someone please tell me why this man has 15 pages of BS in our children's School books? What leftist organization decided to focus on this Socialist, in our education system?!!!!
10/14/2008 12:51:13 PM


You are so right!  Thank you for such a well thought post.  I like those Gaelic Proverbs.  Do you have a link to more?

I believe part of the problem is that a generation ago we were guided by folks that had grown up and lived through the last true tumultuous years in our nations history.  My generation benefited from their wisdom. 

Unfortunately my generation has allowed this mess to culminate and I hope we haven't lived our dreams to the detriment of future generations.  I truly pray our legacy is not that our selfishness and greed caused the suffering of many generations to come. 

This why it is more important than ever to embrace our history and not repeat past mistakes.  Which it appears we are doing and this time America may no longer be a Democracy

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Geketa Holman

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Re: Someone please tell me why this man has 15 pages of BS in our children's School books? What leftist organization decided to focus on this Socialist, in our education system?!!!!
10/14/2008 1:17:07 PM
Hi Jim,

Now that is just about overwhelming disgusting BS .. how on earth can America's with a single thread of decency stand by and quietly allow this kind of brainwashing be allowed to go on?? The gay marriage with children in tow is an OUT RAGE.. I would have formed a protest on the steps of the courthouse and not allowed my child to attend school that day. Thank G-d I home school my kids so they are not subjected to such blasphemous acts against G-d..

If Obama gets elected "change" is about all we will have left in our pockets. We allow these things to go on right under our noses and only a hand full of people stand up and speak out and when we do we are consider to be racist.

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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