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Dean Beaty

447 Posts
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Can You Find the Double-entendre?
10/13/2008 8:58:12 AM


Exodus 20:7

By Rev. Dean Beaty  10/10/08


I’ve come to this final conclusion,

T.V. is the curse of this age.

My friend, it is not an illusion.

God’s name is now all the rage.


They cannot have an emotion,

Without taking God’s name in vain.

It sure isn’t used in devotion.

I believe that it is a campaign.


God says He’ll not hold them guiltless,

For those who take it in vain.

Our nation soon will be worthless.

I think that their goal is quite plain.


Oh how we need our God’s blessing.

But I am afraid it’s not there.

For all you hear now is cursing,

And they talk about polluting the air?


It’s used now in sports, news and game shows.

So there is no end that’s in sight.

Young children now curse just like pros.

And T.V. is the worst of the blight.


If some sins are worse in percent,

Then this one is right at the top.

It’s man holding God in contempt,

And God will curse all who don’t stop.

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