By Rev. Dean Beaty 10/5/08
Why am I here on this lovely Lord’s day?
Is it to make sure that I do not stray?
This is sure good and it has its part,
But how about worship and praise from the heart?
I long to hear Jesus taught above all.
To hear of His sacrifice, love and His call.
Why He left heaven to come here to earth.
How He loves sinners, to Him of such worth.
If He’s not first in our preaching and song,
What e’er takes His place surely is wrong.
Jesus, the Savior, is He number one?
How else will sinners ever be won?
“Sir, we would see Jesus.” was one person’s quest.
Anything else is just second best.
The Spirit moves my soul when Jesus is taught.
Anything else will soon come to naught.