Patty's hearted brain is ready to write again. The question is....are you ready to read it?
In my classroom at the start of the year, I ask each of my students in a class forum.....
"What makes you stunning?" And if they can't answer me within 5 seconds, they have lots of work to do. Well, let me set that straight. The PARENTS have lots of work to do. But, I'm only the teacher. If you read my description of this will understand. If I pissed off some people at this very point......good! I have your attention.
If I ask my son that question about what makes him stunning , he will
spew lots of facts. When I ask that exact question in school, I get answers like this......Ummmmmmh. Welllllll........! Time's up. I've gotten a lot of answers like this.......
I'm good at messing with your head.
I love my cat.
I wear really cool black clothes.
I'm changing my hair color to pink.
I 'm great at taking care of my siblings
I can keep going with this. Here is what I've learned as a teacher. Hold on, we are going for a bumpy ride.
I learned how to recognize a Meth House. Things such as this to let the Meth buyer know it's ready........tied shoes over an electrical line, flag at have mast on the property and how the house looks to know it's a meth lab. The house is trashed and blocked from view of the public.
Good to know. I mean that. So many of my students drop out and bring their babies into my classroom for me to see. They all have loser boyfriends and are on Welfare.
So, why do I do my job as a teacher? Just one student that succeeds is worth it.
Just give me one in a year.....and the world makes sense.
Here's the point of this. I have so many students crying when they get to school.'s the reality of things.
As a teacher, I know who is abused and who isn't. The signs......
They come to class early in the morning.
They don't want to leave school after.
They hug........they stink from no showers, no money for lunch
They are over attentive
They are totally withdrawn
They over d0 their job and crave acceptance
They are always at my side
They CANNOT problem solve.
Some do problem solve at it's finist.....Perfection and that is the scary student. Control.
Who do I blame? I blame the parents or guardians.
There is no exception to any rule when it comes to having sex and giving birth to a child when you are not ready. I, as a teacher, am so saddened with the unmotivated child in this day and age.
I blame the parents. I can say that because I'm a Mother & teacher. Honestly, what can be so pressing in your life when your child needs you?
Just do what is right.