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Meet me & my Son
10/12/2008 1:54:41 AM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Meet me and my son

I'm Patty Anderson. Below you will see my 14-year old son, Nick Anderson. He's a great kid, shy and humble with the heart of rampage for what he loves. His philosophy is this:

When I find something I love to do, I perfect it.
I do my best to always stay on top.
If I meet a true challenge, we go head to head all the way.
That is respect at its finest.

Nick Anderson

My 14 year-old son and I started a new electronics web site. I am a high school choir teacher in Colorado. My son just started his freshman year at my school 2008. Very cool. We started this site because he wouldn't be able to keep Burger King hours if you know what I mean. He's very ambitious. He's the National Marbles Champion 2007, inducted into their Hall of Fame in New Jersey 2008. Now a marbles coach. Also, a QB & barefoot kicker and varsity kicker with huge dreams for professional football. See what I mean? Visit his site for fun things and great ideas. He is also telling stories of his adventures as they happen. Still building the stories. Come visit and contact us at You can also visit his football web site at .
I'm 48 and a happily divorced Mom of one. I have been teaching music since 1977.
This is my view of fixing the world. Ready? Only one sentence.........
Love and nurture your children and the world will stay sweet.
I hope to meet some great people here. Everybody has a story. That's what makes us unique and stunning.
I look forward to starting the blogs. Hope you will too.
Patty & Nick Anderson
Best Wishes
Re: Meet me & my Son
10/20/2008 4:12:19 PM

Well Done!

I too believe that people with children have an awesome responsability to love and nurture that which they created.

It sounds obvious, but so many come painfully short of the mark!


Keep up the good work!


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Re: Meet me & my Son
10/20/2008 9:16:13 PM

Hi Terrence.  Thank you for reading our blog.  Being a teacher, sadly, I see a lot of people missing the mark.   All they want is love and attention. 


Have a great night.     Patty & Nick  

Best Wishes

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