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Jim Allen

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This Will Make You Think - a MUST WATCH VIDEO and Read
10/10/2008 9:10:15 AM

((youtube id="Ha5HEc-vOJs"))((/youtube))

In my Inbox this morning, I received this and then I looked at the video.  I didn't write the article nor did I upload the video.  But I am worried now.


Subject: Louis Farrakhan Declares Barack Obama The Messiah

Ok folks, the Farrakan/Wright/Obama factor has been what has had me bothered about Obama all this time and there you heard it from the horse's mouth.

What a lot of you white people don't realize is that Farrakan, for years, has had a gospel of a coming messiah, a black man who will not bring peace, but will subdue white people and place them under the rule of black people.......and I'm not talking in the context of cute little pets to be cared for and ruled over gently neither.  I'm talking the man is convinced white people are inherrently evil in nature and incapable of making it to Farrakan's version of heaven.  Farrakan is anti-semitic, rascist and generally one of the smartest people there are in the whole black movement.....and he has not only, in this video, announced that Obama is their Messiah, but that the people standing there will be used by him.......

I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy........but I'm telling you......if Obama wants to pull a Hitler in America as the leader here, he has an army in the form of Farrakan's people to do lots of damage before he could be stopped.  Germany had just come out of a war when Hitler came into power, there were bad economic times then, Hitler was an excellent speaker who could sway the masses, those who wanted him in power THOUGHT they could control him and that he was basicly harmless but they weren't counting on the SS........which were a bunch of street thugs essentially and by damn, Farrakan has initiated a lot of his converts in prisons and indoctinated them with this message of hate I just mentioned.......For the life of me I haven't figured out how and why this man has been allowed to operate within this country unchecked like he has unless the devil has his back.......Waco wasn't allowed and they were in defensive mode.......Farrakan is in offensive mode and has been for some time now.

Let's just say, I'm seeing a blueprint here.......and the question is, if things were to go the way of Nazi Germany.......WHO........WHO would come in and stop it?  There is no other america in the world.......and the nation of Islam, Farrakan's movement, is friendly to the same types who did in the trade towers......which should explain to you why Farrakan's friend, Rev Wright, stood up in the pulpit and referred to it as the chickens coming home to roost......Farrakan followers, and Wright parishoners do not have an American mentality......they see themselves as disenfranchised blacks first and maybe Americans second.  Maybe.  They don't care about what this country stands for......they don't care about huddled masses.....if they did, surely they would consider genocide in Iraq worth addressing.....

Look, just because something has been under the radar for years doesn't mean it's not dangerous.......and it doesn't mean it's small either.......I've never been so nervous about a candidate in my life.......and it has nothing to do with his color folks, it's got to do with his cohorts.....and possible motives.

If Obama doesn't identify with Farrakan, for SURE.......then this is just a flash in the pan......but who is to say what Obama thinks?  Only his books and from the e-mails I've seen about those......he fully well identifies with Farrakan.  When Malcolm X came home from Saudi Arabia from his pilgramage to Mecca and he brought with him the message that no, white people are NOT evil and that they could worship with blacks and see them as equals, and he then split from Farrakan and began to gain a following amongst Farrakan's people, it wasn't long before Malcolm X was killed.

When Malcolm X's daughter grew up and started saying publicly that she believed Farrakan had had her father killed, she too, was killed.  Farrakan would try to reign vicariously through Obama I'm afraid.....he is NOT a harmless man who grew up in a bad time and is jaded......anyone who thinks that underestimates him and possibly his followers.......

Would we vote in a white president with these types of people supporting him?  Would we?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Here's one to see some unbiased news

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: This Will Make You Think - a MUST WATCH VIDEO and Read
10/10/2008 11:42:41 AM
Greetings, i have no idea why people would subject themselves to this non-sense, they have a right due to the 1st amendment to show, speak and hear anything they want to, but its being abused as far as i see, but people love to intervene and publicly hurt one another to get there point accross. You must understand this. I know my God, Lord and SAVIOR rabbi Jesus makes everything perfectly clear to me. I would think on ways to change, look foreword, and surpass all this rhetoric. Thanks for the discussion Jim.
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Jim Allen

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Re: This Will Make You Think - a MUST WATCH VIDEO and Read
10/10/2008 11:57:25 AM

Good point Thomas,

Why would a person with thoughts of grandeur and prominence spend 20 years listening to the rhetoric and then say publicly he never heard any of it as portrayed on TV.  That signals to me he agreed with what was being said.  Presidential decision?  NOT in a million years would I believe this country would choose this man as Commander and Chief.

As I said before, Barrack Hussein Obama scares me, and I firmly believe he advised ACORN about their practices and now could impact our elections severely.

  Say NO to Socialism vote McCain

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: This Will Make You Think - a MUST WATCH VIDEO and Read
10/10/2008 12:26:16 PM

Barack Obama mentions Reverend Jeremiah Wright numerous times in his book, "Dreams From My Father".

That book has many references to anti-white ideology.  It's also available on audio read by Barack Obama himself.

Jeremiah Wright published a church magazine that had photos of Barack Obama AND Louis Farrakhan on the same cover, featuring several of Rev. Wright's most admired people in the black community.

Obama's official campaign website now says he had no involvement with ACORN.

ACORN is now being investigated in 13 states, up from 10 yesterday.  It's only active in 40 states so it's activities in one-third of the states that have ACORN offices are accused of fake voter registrations.  80% of ACORN's registrations are presumed to be voting Democrat. 

The city of Indianapolis has 105% voter registration, more than the actual amount of residents!  Thanks to ACORN!!!

Geketa Holman

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Re: This Will Make You Think - a MUST WATCH VIDEO and Read
10/10/2008 2:41:55 PM
Hi Jim,

This is truly very disturbing . I watched the video and have been reading about this stuff on a couple of different sites today. I also got something from the  movement on the voting fraud situation it looks like they are going to get Obama elected by hook or crook no matter what it takes.

I wish that folks would WAKE UP !


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