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Life.....sometimes it gets in the way
10/5/2008 5:22:41 PM

Wow, it seems like I haven't posted anything for a while.....I guess it has been quiet some time.  What could have happened that kept me from posting?

Well, we all know that, if we let it, life WILL get in the way.  I have been thinking alot about that and why I haven't been as active in my business as I would like.  Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months before our very eyes, and many times we don't even realize it.  What happens is really, we get caught up in the frustrations of daily life and tend to let them over whelm us.

That is when you have to take a step back and tell yourself to remember what you want out of life and each day.  I know that the economy is a big issue for alot of people, but just DO NOT let it consume your thoughts!  You can't worry about things that you cannot change or have no control over.  Remember this :  "Sufficient is the day and the evil there of".  So don't consider what will happen tomorrow and don't worry about what you can't control today.  Stay focused and happy with what you have!

I am so blessed to have a wonderful family and a Wellness Experience business that is helping change people's lives.  That is what I focus on and give thanks for EVERYDAY.

Until next time.

Timothy Vigil


Timothy N. Vigil Wellness Experience Coach Helping people feel the vitality of yesteryear, improving life with health, wellness and wealth.