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Genocide in America?
10/4/2008 2:07:30 PM

We entered Iraqa for two reasons, (the weapons of mass destruction) and then there was the genocide that was being performed.

During WWII there was the Holacost where 6 million were killed.

In Samolia and Bosnia genocide is an ongoing act.

In China, if a woman should become pregnant, a Sonagram is peformed and if it is a girl child it will be aborted, also there is a limit as to how many children a family can have.

But what about America?

Is genocide being performed today?

I seek your opinion on this!


James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Jim Allen

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Re: Genocide in America?
10/4/2008 2:44:18 PM

Hello James,

Yes, Genocide is even being practiced here in the USA everyday of the week.  Since Roe vs Wade we have put to death millions of American citizens making room for all the cheap labor from illegal immigrants and legal ones. 

Ever see many American doctors on your medical care staffs these days?  Where did they all go?  Aren't Americans smart enough to become doctors?  Or is it the cost of the education and the fact that American educated doctors require higher salries/compensation because of the cost of education.  Foreign doctors seem to be able to sidestep some of redtape and costs to set up practice.  Plus they will work for less. 


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: Genocide in America?
10/4/2008 3:30:44 PM
Hi, How are you Buddies? There should be with all that is going on in world but people are unconscious of their actions. They don't realize the consequences in having children these days. Take Care Alexia
Re: Genocide in America?
10/4/2008 4:06:43 PM


You are right about the lack of American Doctors and the increase of foriegn doctors, it is because the Americans are not receiving any compensation from our government.  They have to pay their own way.

The foriegn students come here to study with the understaning that they will return to their own country to practice medicine. But after finishing school they decide to stay because they do not want to return home.

Did you watch the presidental debate the other evening? 

Did you hear one of the contestants complain because we have lost 7,000 military personel in Iraqa?

The same contestdant constant stood before the organization that is in the for front of this and applauded them and said he supported their program.

I don't believe I could vote for a person that believes genocide should be a way of life.  (In this case, a way of death for innocent children.)

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Jim Allen

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Re: Genocide in America?
10/4/2008 4:08:02 PM

Alexia please clarify your position.  I find it hard to belive that you are supporting genocide?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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