God’s Sense of Humor
By Rev Dean Beaty 10/1/08
God has a sense of humor or He wouldn’t have created man.
None other of His creatures burn their skin to get a tan.
Or poke holes into their body in spots that can’t be seen.
Their intelligence must leak out, the whole thing is obscene.
Sometimes their hair is purple, I’ve even seen it blue.
It takes a sense of humor to create this crazy crew.
I saw one eating fire. For sure he’ll not get fat.
And one swallowed a sword, at least there’s minerals in that.
More than a sense of humor, something else was on God’s heart.
That man would live forever and they would never part.
God gave the Tree of Life but man chose forbidden fruit.
Sin entered God’s creation, now death was absolute.
Before man was created God had a plan prepared.
To blot out sin’s corruption, His only Son He shared.
Thus Jesus died on Calv’ry. Shed His blood there willingly,
That we might have salvation and live with God eternally.