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Dean Beaty

447 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
10/3/2008 9:15:39 AM


By Dean Beaty 10/3/08


‘Twas the night before thanksgiving and all ‘roud the farm,

Turkeys were praying there would do no harm.

They had been hearing some feather raising tales.

About what had happened to all last year’s males.


The stories began when they were just chicks.

Centering around something folks call drumsticks.

It seem as though humans have a taste for dark meat.

And from what the chicks heard, they were the treat.


But one chick had a plan, how to stay on his feet.

He’d get really thin by refusing to eat.

So he gave up the corn and food that they gave.

And died of starvation and is now in his grave.


This is a sad story but honest and true.

Just what’s a fat turkey gonna have to do?

There’s moral to this tale.  If you don’t want to die

As a young turkey, learn how to fly.

Keep them out w/ Home Security... Put them out w/ Pepper Spray. Where YOU are much more than a Customer. And we are much more than a Webstore! To read more poems by Dean go to:
Dean Beaty

447 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: A TURKEY'S LAMENT The Night After Thanksgiving
10/6/2008 2:00:21 PM

The Night AFTER Thanksgiving

By Dean Beaty  10/4/08


‘Twas the night after Thanksgiving, I heard a victory cry.

One of the young turkeys had learned how to fly.

Into the atmosphere he winged on his way.

Rejoicing that he had missed Thanksgiving Day.


They wouldn’t stuff him or cut off his head.

It wouldn’t be this year that he was the spread.

But remember this truth, “pride goeth before a fall.”

So the flight that he took was not a long hall.


The problem you see, he took off in a fog.

He flew into a barn and was eaten by a dog.

The moral of this story is a sad one but true.

Turkeys that fly must read weather maps too.

Keep them out w/ Home Security... Put them out w/ Pepper Spray. Where YOU are much more than a Customer. And we are much more than a Webstore! To read more poems by Dean go to:

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