"The Gates Are Open - We Have Launched!" Lets Flood ESL Entrepreneur Gold!
Note: This thread is provided for anyone wishing to promote ESL, share insights and provide the actual resources being used to build a business using ESL Entrepreneur Gold and it's platform for success. Everyone advertises. Make ESL Entrepreneur Gold one of your vehicles to greater personal success and business growth. Thanks for coming by and I hope you will return and share your knowledge. Jim Allen III
We are Officially Open For Business!
We have got a few new marketers on board - What does it take to make a sale?
It takes WORK! Join Every Safelist That You Can Manage - Do Reverse Marketing -CAUTIOUSLY If someone sends their offer to your mailbox have a GREAT - EXCITING - Offer copied in your mouse and hit reply, copy and send! That method takes a bit of time but its effective...Still no sign ups? Do it again, over and over! One sale and your motivated! I can't do this? Yes You Can! My motto has been from the time I started marketing -
If they can do it I can do it - And I know If I Can Do It - YOU CAN DO IT!
So Another of My Mottos' 'BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME!"
You have just been given an opportunity with ESL Entrepreneur Gold where you
can make $60 on every sale. The sales are not going to come beating down your door - You have to share it with everyone you know (No Spam) - EVERYWHERE!
So, Let's Get Busy - Roll Up Your Sleeves - Start Earning What Your Worth Today -Not Tomorrow - Today!
I'm adding a couple of example ads you can use - there are more in your back office to give you some idea's. Sad fact of the net, but Hype Sells! We offer Value -
The Downloads and PPC's that you are selling for a one time $97
are worth Thousands of dollars -
Get excited and show that excitement in your offer! If you don't believe in what your selling how do you expect anyone else to?
Ok - Enough of my jabber - Get Excited and go make some money!
AD One You can use
Hello First Name, Or Just Hello if you don't know their name!
In the next 30 seconds you are going to see an opportunity
that will offer you something NO OTHER on the Internet Has, Can or Will offer you!
ESL Entrepreneur Gold is unlike all the other opportunities
because it is owned and run by a Search Engine that is managed by people JUST LIKE YOU! Not an ordinary Search Engine but, one with the potential to DOMINATE the search market...
ESL Entrepreneur Gold has to be a "No Brainer". You get the Training,
the Products, the Site, the Tools, the Income, and the Advertising all
packaged up in your ONE TIME membership fee of $97
So what are you waiting for? Its YOUR Turn To FINALLY Get All
these valuable tools and leave the JUNK Behind! Earn a Real
Commission, not those 2x - 3x - 5x's that are just monthly payments
going NOWHERE!
EARN - What your Worth!
Join today, Making Money has NEVER been this easy.
Didn't Click? Let's Break It Down!
$60 Per Sale
No Monthly Payments
Thousands Of $$$ Of Tools For Your Business
Landing Pages
FREE Training
Take a look at what your site will look like
We Endorse Our Members - You Are Valuable To Us -
We Are Teamwork - You Are Not Alone!
REMEMBER - This is a ONE TIME cost For
Building a Real Internet Business and Earning
Real Income! No One Offers What ESL Entrepreneur Gold Offers!
Join Our Family Here!
Wishing You The Success You Deserve,
Your Name
Your URL
Your Email
Another Example -
How Many Products Can You Sell A Day?
If you can sell 30 a day, you'll earn $1,800 every day!
Earn $60.00 For Every Package You Sell.
You Are Guaranteed To Get Paid Instantly For Each Sale
You Make!!!!! You will be paid directly to your PayPal
Below are your potential earnings!!!
1 Package Sold 1x$60.00 = $60 Per Day! ($21,900.00 Yearly!)
5 Packages Sold 5x$60.00 = $300 Per Day! ($109,500.00 Yearly!)
10 Packages Sold 10x$60.00 = $600 Per Day! ($219,000.00 Yearly!)
30 Packages Sold 30x$60.00 = $1,800 Per Day! ($657,000.00 Yearly!)
You are eligible to run this program anywhere in the world,
as long as you have access to the Internet.
A . Over $5000+ WORTH OF Downloads For Your Business!...
B. New Downloads Added Monthly
C. 10 Bonus Ads on our Search Engine
D. No Monthly Fee's EVER!
E. Complete Back Office
F. Free Training For Our Members
G. Tools For Your Success
H. Paid Instantly
I. Too Much To List!
Get Full Details Here
(Your affiliate your URL)
To Your Success,
(Don't Forget To Use A Catchy Subject Line) Play With it until
you find one that gets results - "Earn $60 On Every Sale - No Monthly Payments!"
My Username :- jallen3d
My Affiliate URL:- http://www.ad-alyzer.com/727/ESL
============= End Resources ==============
All the above is provided to each and every new member. You gain access to the download library. Not rinky dink overexposed programs, articles and more. Most with MRR and PLR Rights. Resell these as your own products on your own site and add major punch to your personal brand and your bottom line.
Plus there is a social community, advertising and search engine exposure. PLUS as a ESL Entrepreneur Gold Member you receive 10 ad spots for your business ventures, very valuable as these ads rotate through the entire network. Front end and backend.
I hope you will take a look, join and share with others. I look forward to socializing and networking with you and others. In these times we need to be able to rely on others and take responsibility for ourselves and the future of others. We should be working together to make a difference as many lives as we possibly can. We can Make IT Happen.
The Hi-Tek Redneck Marketer
Jim Allen III
Watch This Video and Get Back to me
Join and ULearn2Earn What YOU are Worth
Phone: 727-786-6230
Contact Me: