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Lydia Fokina

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Jewish new Year Rosh Hashanah
10/1/2008 2:18:55 AM

Greetings to all celebrating Jewish new Year Rosh Hashanah!

Рош а-Шана

Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah is marked in honour of creation of the world, it symbolizes the beginning of new year and end of year leaving. There is a legend, that in days Rosh Hashanah Would mark in the Book of the life, what destiny expects in coming to year of each of people: "... To whom to live and to whom to die, whom rest expects, and whom - wandering, whom - well-being, and whom - a torment, to whom poverty, and to whom - riches ". The sincere belief that Would wish all goods and well-being, transforms this day into a holiday.

At this time it is offered to Jews to analyse the acts for all previous year and to be prepared for a beginning year. Reflecting on the future, Jews ask the world, the consent, health. The sound of shofora calls the mutton horn: " Regain consciousness those who dozes who spends the released years senselessly. See  the showers and kind make your business ".

Best wishes from Russian, Lydia

Nick Sym

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Re: Jewish new Year Rosh Hashanah
10/1/2008 3:26:52 AM

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Peter Fogel

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Re: Jewish new Year Rosh Hashanah
10/1/2008 4:10:05 AM

Hi Lydia,

It's so good to see you again, it's been awhile since your last posts.

Thanks for the New Years wishes and may we all experience a year of peace and happiness.

Shanah Tovah U'Metuka.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Phillip Black

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Re: Jewish new Year Rosh Hashanah
10/1/2008 10:32:48 AM

Hi Lydia,

Thank You for allowing us the opportunity to share in this Holiday with our Friends here at Adland.

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to light the Candles of the Holiday.  Amen

May your New Year be bright, with the blessings of peace, prosperity, and the warmth of Friends and Family.

Gemar Chatimah Tovah



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Jewish new Year Rosh Hashanah
10/1/2008 10:02:26 PM