Sunday, September 28, 2008
Warning Senators, Congressmen and future Candidates!
Despite the people's best efforts, you idiots are saying you know better than we do and that you do not serve us the people of the republic.
The citizens of this country let you know resoundingly that NO Bailout was supported by the PEOPLE You swore to serve when you took office.
Be FOREWARNED that not one of you that votes yes for any form of this measure, will NOT BE RE-ELECTED. You did not listen and vote the way we 99-1 urged you through numerous MILLIONS of phone calls, faxes, emails and written forms of communication.
Please identify the big bad wolf that has you so scared that you will risk your political future.
The people are tired of being ignored and asked to clean up the mess the fatcats and greedy, weak politicians has allowed to happen. We were not invited to your parties and overindulgences and I am personally offended that you ask me to pay for your greed and gambling losses.
Let their house of cards fall to the ground and we will rebuild from there!
New POLL Question:
Will you vote for re-election of your congressman or senator that signs and sends this Bailout Bill to the President for enactment?
[Poll] Will you vote for re-election of your congressman or senator that signs and sends this Bailout Bill to the President for enactment?
This poll has expired.
Total Votes: 1Please login to vote.