Hello friends,
I found this to be a very empowering article. Hope you feel empowered too!
Stop Believing in Your Own Weakness
~ by Guy Finley
It is our fear of being alone and in doubt, of wanting to feel certain
that what we are doing is right, that compels us to seek the approval
of others. So this tells us that the chief cause of why our lives so
often wind up in the hands of others is not that they are superior or
that the world is too strong for us, but that we don't want to face
the uncertainty and aloneness we think we are too weak to bear. This
is the real cause of all of our wrong relationships in life. We have
been betrayed by a belief in our own weakness.
The conscious refusal to go along with what our weakness wants us to
do to escape its uncertainty is what invokes and finally delivers real
inner confidence. This new kind of strength gradually becomes the
cornerstone of a true individual existence -- the life we've always
wanted. The stakes are actually eternal -- but self-victory is as
certain as the fact that light always triumphs over darkness.
Use the following ten key lessons to help strengthen your
understanding of these vital ideas. Think about them; welcome their
healing insights as "lights along the way" to true self-liberation.
Special Study for Lasting Self-Possession
1. When you don't know what to do with yourself, someone will always
be happy to tell you.
2. Why seek the approval of someone who doesn't even approve of himself?
3. Fawning before an angry person is like asking a rabid wolf for its
4. The more approval you get, the more you have to have.
5. Keeping any person or circumstance in your life that demands you
surrender your right to be a whole and happy human being is wrong for
everyone involved.
6. When you are out standing in a storm, don't blame the weather.
7. Real strength always follows uncovering one of the roots of weakness.
8. Don't seek yourself. Dare to be yourself.
9. If you were really doing the right thing with your life, you
wouldn't need anyone to tell you that you were.
10. Permitting your life to be taken over by another person is like
letting the waiter eat your dinner.
(Vernon Howard)
No human being has any authority over you. Your life belongs to you
and to you alone. No scowling face or irritated manner, no challenging
posture or threatening tone, has any power to make you feel nervous or
anxious, frightened or angry. Your true nature answers to no one. This
is a fact, and anyone who is tired of letting someone else tell them
how to feel can use this self-liberating principle to win true and
lasting independence.
-- Guy Finley
Watch for more articles for this great mentor..
Many blessings.