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Sharon Van Der Merwe

262 Posts
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Get Paid To Social Network And Win Great Prizes
9/20/2008 4:09:23 PM


Get Paid To Social Network
And Win Great Prizes

Dear Fellow Members,

Of course you know what is a social networking site. What about a VIRAL social networking site that PAYS YOU?

A new viral social networking site has just been 'prelaunched' on Saturday and I think we should all get in for 3 reasons:

Reason #1 - Build leads and get paid!!

This new system is different from conventional social networks in 3 ways:

1) you can build 5 levels of leads and contact them via the internal messageboard,
2) you can earn credits for simply doing social networking,
3) you can qualify for revenue pool sharing!!!

It's a great way to get some free promotion and get paid at the same time!

Reason #2 - It's going to rock!

A lot of top Internet Marketers are already in now, fighting over the top referral prizes. So I believe this website is going to rock in no time!

Reason #3 - Get in now and win great prizes!!!

It's prelaunched, so you too have the first mover advantage. You too have a chance to win the top referral prizes worth $6,700 in total!!

You know that when it comes to a viral program, the earlier to join, the better.

So go get into the network now before everyone else start getting your share of the pie!

Click here to get in FREE now!

To Your Success!


Paying Out Worldwide For Over 16 Years And Still Going Strong

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