You have found the most incredible way to earn money online.
You get paid for giving away FREE Shopping Genies! That's right! You earn $1 for every free Genie you give away (up to 200 each month) ... we call it dollars for downloads!
You can sign up and begin earning the same day! Then as you personally enroll others into your business and they begin giving away free Genies, you can qualify to earn 100 percent match pay on their FR*E*E downloads!
Have you been looking for an easy way to make money from home? We truly believe that there is no easier way to earn income from home than to give away free software that people love to use and saves them time and money.
The software is called MyShoppingGenie!
Here is how it works:
You install the F*R*E*E Genie onto your computer ... every time you do a search using your favorite major search engine such as Google or Yahoo ... the Genie instantly appears on your computer screen, featuring a simple to navigate selection of major online shopping and auction sites, e-commerce sites and local businesses. Conduct your own comparison pricing with the click of your mouse!
Oh by the way, many of these sites pay you when purchases are made through your Genie.
The more f*r*ee Genie's you give away ... the more money you will earn!
This is a real home business with a SUPER AFFILIATE PAY PLAN with unlimited software downloads.
You don't have to sell anything. Just give away f*r*ee software that everyone will love to use!
:: Visit MyShoppingGenie :: |
Glen Beverly
Get your own personal genie now: