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9/14/2008 4:49:23 PM

OxySilver Affiliate Program 


Dear Donna,

It gives me great pleasure to invite your partnership in the historic launch of the "OxySilver Affiliate Program" that promises to remedy poverty and plagues worldwide, the world's worst problems, in one assertive grassroots action.

As you are aware, the main solvable problems plaguing humanity today are:

1) lacking awareness about the toxicity of fear-based mentality; and the personal power to prosper in all ways, live abundantly, sustainably, and heal naturally in unity with Divinity and our human family;

2) Economic slavery, financial scarcity or poverty;

3) Diseases and premature death associated with dehydration from water pollution, suppressed immunity, and infections including HIV/AIDS, mycoplasma, tuberculosis, malaria, influenza (e.g., the "avian flu") and pandemic cancers, and

4) Iatrogenocide: the mass murder of people for profit directed by the global petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel that abuses people's faith in science, "modern medicine," "public health," antibiotics and vaccinations now the leading causes of chronic diseases and death in developed countries, also devastating developing nations.

This "OxySilver Affiliate Program" solves each of these problems as follows:

Solution #1: Our massive population education campaign focuses on silver-water science and bioenergy as fundamental to spirituality and living sustainably in harmony with prosperity in all ways especially health.

Solution #2: A free "turn key" "green business" with nothing to buy or stock capable of saving millions of lives using a scientifically-proven "greentech" product* for which there is urgent need and widespread demand.

Solution #3: OxySilver is the leading brand of a suppressed class of disease destroyers made from energized trace mineral (nano-silver) water that has gained substantial scientific support.

Solution #4: Relieving the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel's stranglehold over healthcare, humanity, and the global energy monopoly, simply by spreading the truth about suppressed water science, hydrogen, oxygen, and how silver-hydrosols work bioelectrically, through grassroots activism and educational outreach.**

So please, right now, click on this link:

to join me by signing-up freely activating your new
website. This action is life-saving, prospering, and urgent, so don't delay. Do it now! Then review the testimonials and science supporting my statements here and your sharing of this information and opportunity with others.

Familiarize yourself with how simple and easy this "turn key" humanitarian enterprise operates without burdening you or your staff administratively. Everything is automated online (except cashing your monthly check you receive for saving lives by telling others about OxySilver and this history-making affiliate program). Your referrals will earn you and other affiliates 40% on three levels: 25%, 10% and 5%; without the need to buy, stock, or sell anything unless you want to! There are many people who will be ordering OxySilver once they learn it is guaranteed to work rapidly for people with infectious diseases.

If you do not need or want the money you generate from your referrals you can donate your monthly commissions to charity, even set up a charity with this wonderful fund-raising life-saving opportunity. You can also pledge your monthly earnings to the "Clinics for Humanity Project" I am helping to advance through the World Organization for Natural Medicine Foundation that is establishing free natural healing clinics globally using our support.

You know people who are suffering from infectious diseases, immune dysfunctions including cancers, or desire guaranteed results from OxySilver including solid protection against the current and coming plagues. Refer these people to your website immediately by simply e-mailing them your personal link that you get for free when you sign up for free, as I have done.

How many organizations, networkers, or group leaders do you know that need money to accomplish their great goals and can celebrate with us saving lives and freeing people from corporate-controlled / politically-imposed plagues and poverty? Contact these people immediately after you register and join me in putting this global plan into personal action for everyone's benefit!

By signing up you will also receive a free monthly newsletter prepared by Affiliate Program leaders such as yourself to keep affiliates well informed about our progress in achieving our goals, including ending AIDS, malaria, MRSA, influenza and tuberculosis worldwide. Send me your articles and I will see that they are published herein. This newsletter also contains fascinating articles about life-saving business-expanding innovations, and reports from OxySilver trials now expanding in Africa that we will soon be publishing.

We have also scheduled a weekly teleconference open to all affiliates and their friends that will supplement my weekly radio program on every Tuesday night at 9PM PST wherein your questions and comments are invited.

So thank you in advance for your prospering and life-saving partnership. Please call me anytime with your questions or needs.

With much LOVE in the Spirit of health,

Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Overseer, Managing Member
Healthy World Distributing, LLC

P.S. Don't forget to pray for us, and participate every way possible, advancing LIVE H2O, "The Concert for the Living Waters," June 19-21, 2009, in nine venues around the world as detailed at We seek co-sponsors, celebrity hosts, bands, musicians, vocalists, event coordinators, administrators, and several more venues adjacent large bodies of water.

* A "greentech" product is one that provides a less toxic alternative to traditionally used methods and materials, in this case vaccinations and antibiotics.

** A "green business" is an economicially viable commercial operation that integrates "greentech" products and services.

Note: I have added these definitions due to the concerted effort by drug industrialists to misrepresent silver hydrosols as "dangerous" nanotechnologies. The truth known about these greentech life-savers will cripple the cash flow of BigPharma. Please read the scientific articles linked to the OxySilver website.

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