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Dave Cottrell

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Are You Paying Attention?
9/13/2008 5:43:22 PM

Hi everyone!

What a time we're living in!  It is my sincere hope that you're paying attention to what's going on around you!

To the complete astonishment of many, the economy of the USA is going through a very serious shakeup (or shakedown?), causing the dollar to plummet, fortunes to disappear and huge, seemingly invulnerable corporations to go bankrupt.

Officials have continually lied about the situation (or perhaps they really are that uninformed), telling everyone that things are just going through a normal market fluctuation.

The facts are, huge corporations, including banks and the world's largest lending corporations, are tumbling and running to the Feds for bailouts.  The big three auto makers are right now begging for money to keep them going. 

For months we have been told that everything is just fine and will soon turn around, yet each time we're told the worst has come, it gets even worse.

So the question is, what is really going on?

The fact is, the USA is not the only country going through a slow down.  The whole global economy is slowing down at this time.  Much of it has been caused by irresponsible lending practices that created mortgages, car loans, personal loans and credit card accounts to people who could not afford them.  As the defaulting accounts reach into the millions, the companies holding the accounts have suddenly found themselves living in houses of cards in a Category 5 hurricane!

The good news is, while the present and immediate future looks bleak, world demand for oil and some other consumables has decreased with the slowing economy, causing prices in some sectors to fall, and this will help to bring stability rather than runaway inflation. 

Yes, the world's largest economy, the US economy, is in tremendous turmoil, but the truth is, the debt is covered by assets worth substantially more than the multi trillion dollar debt.  Unlike those who borrowed money they should never have been lent due to the fact that they did not have the assets to cover the loans, the US CAN cover their debt.

For all those whose economies rely on doing business with the USA  ( and like it or not, a lot of us do), this is good news.  The economy IS slowing down, but it's not dead, and it can continue, as long as people keep their heads and don't panic.  We may have to eat simpler, walk more, and have less expensive holidays for the foreseeable future, but that might just help us to appreciate life more than we have been.

For those of us involved in network marketing, this means we need to continue to pay close attention to any opportunities we come across, as the more people are squeezed for cash, the more the hucksters and fraud artists come out.  However, in times like this, new opportunities arise for us to do even better, if we can offer people something of REAL value and benefit.

Take the time today to look closely at what's going on in the world around you, and how you can help to make it a better place.  By doing so, you can help to make your economic and personal future better, as well.

Above all, look to the future, past this life, and into eternity.  Are you ready for that?

God bless,


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