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9/12/2008 4:58:54 PM

I hope your day is grand.


Listen this is very important.


Please do me a favor – sign up for free and check out this fantastic new online business community that I am excited about.


I am giving you a great position before I start my next campaign. You, my family and friends.


Many of you have already joined me in this. If you have not checked your down line lately. I highly recommend you do. I have been involved now for 1 year. When I first joined Direct Matches I did so just for the contacts. Now my TEAM has grown into the 1000,s. It’s time to go to work.  We have a system in place. We have the CEO and many top leaders that will give there time just to help build your business. I will teach you step by step on how this works and to build it big. All you have to do for now is get your position for FREE. It just takes 1 minute to get a position at my quick registration below.


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Please... let me know what you think about this new business concept and site!


To your success!


AJ Steve.


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