Featured Person of the Week
Peter Fogel is our Fourth FPOTWCongratulate Peter HereEach week we will feature a member that shows Community Spirit. Community spirit is defined by activity, friendliness, and support within the community. Peter is my friend and partner in many of my online enterprises. He is one of my most trusted contacts and a confidant. Peter is well versed and an excellent resource for knowledge. I am glad to have him as one of my close personal friends. The Featured Person of the Week will have their Picture and a link to their profile page placed in this spot on the Front Page of ULearn2Earn Social Networking Community Where Networkers Happen! Congratulations to Peter Fogel who has shown us exactly what Community Spirit is! If you have someone in mind that should be featured here be sure to contact, Heidi, Peter or Jim.
Tags: featured person of the week, fogel, fptow, friend, peter